Yup whatever the BBC says. No documents cited...
Yup whatever the BBC says. No documents cited...
The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt to join the 13 colonies into a nation you idiot. ~Ravings of a mad man..........
Have you not seen of mice and men? There were other forms of labor than slavery....
You missed the point of the civil war. It was agressive tariffs. The North at the time was a Manufacturing superpower and could make goods effeciently but charged a great deal. The Souths Economy was based on agriculture. Meanwhile the European Nations were selling the latest implements to the South for far less…
Function > Form
Pop-up headlights are terrible. They make the car wander about at high speeds at night.
I would like to See a fusion of Redbull racing X1 and Chaparral vacuum car, equiped with active aero. With modern Fly-by-wire computers something like the Mark V becomes a very real possibility. Who wouldn’t want to see a field of cars jumping and driving upside down a la speed racer(There will be a need for spectator…
You do realize durring the last ice age CO2 was up 4000 times higher than today? Getting the factory that makes your iphone to stop dumping solvents into the ocean that kiils of phyto-plankton that remove CO2 is what needs to happen.
You can purchase everything you need to kill 30+ people in an instant at Super Target(no gun sales).By extinguishing guns the violence will become more horrific and brutal than a balistic puncture wound. All the information could be found in a decent school library.
Wrong. many gun free countries have higher per capita instances because an unwell person can find and use weapons as easily as a teen can find marijuana.
You do know that NASA and NOAA just got caught for cooking the books just prior to the summit by 2*C. Thats quite a bit...
The sulfur and nitrogen compounds responsible for acid rain are easily rectified by increasing compression (They have known this for over 100 years). In the grand scheme of things humans produce very little.
A immigration quota of 1000000/yr is not insuring our future. While out of the outer side of their mouth they are saying don’t have children because “carbon footprint”. There is a reason that a life raft says Weight limit #X persons.
You know what happens to the murder rate when guns are banned? It stays the same because people will always find a way to kill eachother. The proof is in the back of the worlds oldest human remains... (Before you quote gun violence statistics note that they include suicide)
Just like you can keep your doctor and insurance?
Civil; “unjust enrichment” at best.
After 5-7 years drive your car again...
Step 1. Get uneforcable loan for as much as possible.
Bought a 2005 BMW X5 4.4i sport (One of the best years for quality) with 60k miles for $14k. Only thing I don’t like is that it eats tires and brakes probably due to all the weight of the vehicle and my wifes lead foot. When your pregnant wife demands a comfortable, safe, and reliable it needs to be a tank (1/4”…
I will agree 100% Bush was a tool bag and Should have left Sadam alone (He had the people tongue in cheek convinced of cheap gas as spoils of war). Should have left Gadafi alone too. Career politicians cannot be trusted. Now the west is taunting Russia with artificially low oil prices to screw with their exports to…