Because the employer holds the cards, most of the time. So desperate people sign the damn thing. Not that the normal average American can decipher legalese.
Because the employer holds the cards, most of the time. So desperate people sign the damn thing. Not that the normal average American can decipher legalese.
Youre not real bright.
To hell with the chairs. It’s typical selfishness. I live next to a park and one evening walked down the street flinging every one of them into the park. By the time I got around to parking my car in one of the spots others had already begun to park. Nobody knew who did it and they stopped putting chairs out. Problem…
I know that it’s hard for you to believe, but there are progressives and liberals in rural areas. I grew up in Kansas and married a farm girl from the Finger Lakes. Neither of us fit your profile.
Nice advertising for apple 8n the headline. Of course those apps do the same thing in iOS do the same thing, but it’s only hinted at in the article.
Awe. Nevermind
Not sure if serious. If so, Kansas shot 15 FT and Duke 18. That includes the 6 Kansas shot when Duke was fouling at the end of OT.
If that is truly the Crux of her statement, then maybe gizmodo should’ve stated that. The statement alone, by itself is actually true and gizmodo looks like a bunch of idiots for publishing it that way.
It’s amazing how stupid Americans are. The author and most people here are dumber than the woman the article is about.
I’m so embarrassed to have been born and raised in Kansas. What’s amazing is how many people I still know from the State whom didn’t vote for any of these idiots.
They don’t look dumb to the people that matter. That would be the dummies who vote them in year, after year.
Bleach is absolutely, 100% a troll.
So explain why these “conservatives” who lead Tech CO’s were nearly unanimously against the repeal of Net Neutrality regulations?
Actually. You’re wrong. The definition of Conservative, is that you’re in favor of the status quo. The political definition of liberal/progressive, one who is in favor of change.
I’dlike to know how Steve Jobs voted for Trump. That’ssome pretty impressive stuff!
Conservative ethos:
Typical Google. Trying to use an algorithm to fact check. I agree completely, that they need to use third party fact checkers. If people have a problem with Snopes, it’s because they adore misinformation.
The Nexus One was $529. Yes it was $100 cheaper than the iPhone, but it was one of the most expensive, if not THE most expensive Android commonly available. $500 dollars is a hell of a lot of Jack to throw at a phone you keep for 2 years. It’s anything BUT mid-range.
Ha! Not just him, but that whole crew on the hill, especially the buffoon who appointed them all.