
Imagine if you were a small company still in the process of making a product, then an insanely popular person tell you everything you’ve been spending your waking time on the last two years is shit, and ends the video by flipping you off while trying to get a refund.

“So it’s Pewdiepies fault that this game is shit?”

No, I’m blaming PewDiePie’s immaturity on affecting a first-time developer. You’re right, he isn’t a reviewer. When millions of people watch your show, you need to take that into consideration. Because of it, and literally giving the developer the middle finger, people that watch his videos are going to judge the game

Considering all of Pewdiepie’s recent press about struggling with the rudeness of people on Youtube/his viewers/etc... you’d think he could come up with a more constructive way to criticize a game he didn’t like.

That’s true, but he is new to this, and you’re never sure what to expect your first time. But PewDiePie should know better. He needs to grow up.

Felix “Pewdiepie” Kjellberg also played the game, and he did not like it at all.

Maybe PewDiePie should review his own shit game that was worse.