Omg, I literally have nightmares of when I walk away from a conversation and wonder if I was nice enough, or did that sound stupid or or or or or....aghhhh! Managing though...somehow. Anxiety can be crippling and it sucks :-(
Omg, I literally have nightmares of when I walk away from a conversation and wonder if I was nice enough, or did that sound stupid or or or or or....aghhhh! Managing though...somehow. Anxiety can be crippling and it sucks :-(
As someone who has anxiety that at times has crippled my life, I’m actually really surprised and appreciative of Ryan Reynolds speaking about his severe anxiety. “But you don’t seem like that type of person!” Is something I hear all too often of people trying to dismiss or diminish my struggle with anxiety. You have…
Do you guys have wifi down there?
When she says he’s “more handsome in person” it looks like she’s about to grab a knife and fork and eat him right up, y’all!!!
Yea, I was thinking the same. Like, it was an “emotional support” pet, yet she killed the little critter instead of just looking for another option?
Yeah no, this is not on Spirit. This woman has something seriously wrong with her if she actually flushed a living creature down a toilet, there were many, many other options. Jesus fucking christ.
At least one of them could’ve literally said that though.
Logan Paul was recently a guest judge on Top Chef, for a college hangover food challenge, but still. I have higher expectations for Top Chef than this asshole. Maybe all his stupid pranks will lead to a very well deserved Darwin award.
Women have been collectively treated like shit for centuries. Centuries.
I absolutely see the logic in your reasoning and think you’re spot on about what’s going on in her head. But shit, when do we start demanding that people who lack imagination live outside of their own experiences? You’ve done about a thousand times more mental work than Pam has just in this comment, but she’s given a…
There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of…
I don’t know about how this will stick either. It’s definitely an unexplored area. So no one should think it’s a slam dunk.
But then why not say Amber is the feminist host we need? I love Seth Meyer, and I agree with your sentiments, but it still might be nice to not have a white male host.
Or, you know, have an actual woman host.
We kind of knew this was coming, didn’t we, what with Don Jr.’s taste for shooting beautiful animals and Ryan…
Crazy how much people overthink how complicated this all is. It’s really easy to understand!
Dude who won’t be alone with any woman other than his wife?
Somehow I doubt your friend who is so uber-conscious of crossing lines with women that he refuses to be alone with them unless his wife is chaperoning was taken to HR solely for offering a woman a chair in a meeting. Sounds like there’s a lot of backstory there that doesn’t end with “and out of the blue, I get in…
I have heard several men make this sort of comment recently about how they could possibly be expected to discern between an appropriate and an inappropriate gesture of interest in a woman. As if the two are so terribly similar that one might “accidentally” harass a woman. Like, how could any well-meaning gentleman…