This is the most idiotic article I’ve read in my life. Shut up Doug.
This is the most idiotic article I’ve read in my life. Shut up Doug.
This article should of noted that LED bulbs is not always good. In vehicles that use CAN BUS communication system and integrate in the the lighting system to detect faults, that the LED bulbs with throw the CAN BUS system off due to the lack of expected voltages the LED bulbs generate.
This is my pair. 08 Evo X MR/015 STi Hope ya’ll approve.
It was only a matter of time before this happened. I mean, the whole get out and drive thing is great but the math is only going to catch up with you if you continue to push the limits, specially of that little old weathered 911.
Hey man, retooling our lines was a lot of hard work. I spent countless of nights and weekends helping to get them ready for the X. You’re welcome and my new born daughter says you’re welcome too.
The video is bad and you should feel bad that you made it.
It stopped becoming a thing primarilyy due to SAE safety regulations.
You should probably concentrate on driving rather then focusing on making a video.
Why the hell not! I work for a manufacture and we make parts for all three. Our plant has lines side by side and we pump parts out of a assembly line all day long for them. The system that builds them, ships them and sells them are all the same. It honestly would make no difference.
I too laugh at Douglas.
I was in the same boat when it came time to buy a car for my wife. We test drove both the WRX and GTi vigorously, hummed and hawed. It was a close call.... We ended up buying an STi instead. Why? For only 5k more you get SOOO much more. And boy... are we ever happy about our decision too!!
As an engineer that helps build motor cradles for the Model S. Good luck in life with that attitude bud. *thumbsup*
Nice enjoyed that one.
Sorry thats not what retooling means. The lines were just re built.
And this is why I bought the 2015 STi instead of the WRX. EJ2.5 all day.
The 650s gets better mpg than my Evo X LOL
I originally wanted the new WRX but I opt'd for the STi due to not much of price increase vs what you get in lue of the wait time of a WRX anyway, I'm SO GLAD I did. I have an Evo X but damn this STi is fun to drive and puts a smile on my face. The creature comforts for daily is sweet.
Wrong, AWD with active differentials and torque vectoring absolutely help you turn corners in slippery conditions. It will turn a bad time with a curb and bent control arm into a perfect turn.
This is very true, I noticed on my 2015 STI once winter gas came around the car stopped building target boost and tapers it down about -5psi. Road tripped south, tank of a US 93 octane and boom, boost back at full target.
Funny you should post this as the answer but as a gear head junky who actually builds the sub-frames for the hellcat. I wouldn't put 707hp near that subframe. its sketchy as fuck. welding galvanized steel is HARD and the welds just dont hold. I'm surprised they are using our sub frames for it to be honest. I hope…