$4M - $10M per unit cost. And there are a lot more of the $4M variety.
$4M - $10M per unit cost. And there are a lot more of the $4M variety.
lol I just wasted 30 minutes reading those texts.
New device with interactive hologram?
Right, they are none too cheap also (no evidence to back up this claim). These guys can pump out some disposable styluses (styli?) or some really cheap ones - $1.99 or so.
There is nothing more frustrating than getting lost in a video game; and nothing more satisfying than finding you way.
So, you make a stylus from the same technology.
Obvious facts are obvious.
Because I have not been waiting for this.
WOW, been waiting for this...
Inmate 1: "Hey bro, can I use your phone"
Can't see where you are going with this.
Double entendre lol
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"Then, when when nobody's looking, whoop, up the butt it goes."
Snow Creek Berry > Strawberry Hill
I stay at Hiltons all the time. The wifi is usually garbage. Keep in mind that I get free wifi, yet it is no different from the paid service they offer; it is the same connection.
Twas a joke.
But they ALWAYS need to measure my inseam... "C'mon dude, that's not my leg anymore"
"And a box of Magnum condoms." "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that either"