
Don't forget cupcake and donut, they always forget cupcake and donut... :(

Right, should be "Company V10.3.2.77"

But when you say "ICS" it sounds more techy... Just picked up my Android ICS smartphone...

Are those intentional also?

Coolest. Pumpkin carving. Ever!

Critical much?

I laughed.

I also noticed this on the picture (4iiii)\

I googled it. Results also returned Michael Jackson. I think yours wins/


They only work 7 hours in china?

I use both, both are great. Finally giving up my HTC HD2 with android for an iPhone. However, I will use my android phone (minus the phone part) for all my android needs. Android needs which are many.


Jager Bomb


I am not sure to which comment you are replying. I think it is this part:

Well, I am taking photos with a cell phone... If I needed high res high quality photos, I would choose a different approach. But yes, compression is not the best, and you cannot avoid it sometimes.

Supernatural is a great show!

Never tried. Photos work the same as any other photo, I do not see why videos would be different.

Still, android phone user, free, unlimited, automatic photo storage...