It is in the Google+ android app settings. Photos from google+ do not take up space on your Picasa account.
It is in the Google+ android app settings. Photos from google+ do not take up space on your Picasa account.
True, the most public part of Google+ is the part I use the least. Have not tried a hangout or really any of the other features besides the stream, and my photo cloud.
Its not Apple+
Right, on facebook your photos all all out there for the public (or friends, whatever)
I use Google+ One main reason; When I take a picture with my Android phone, my photo is automatically uploaded to my Google+ (picassa) account. These photos do not take up any of my allotted space either.
Update: 25 minutes now :D
lol I had 14 minutes left 15 minutes ago. Up to 21 minutes now!
Downloading IOS5 NOW!
Scarlett Johansson eating Scarlett Johansson off Scarlett Johansson would be the most awesome (awesomest!)
Приятного аппетита!
Glad I did not try to be an arrogant ass about it :D
My brain just exploded all over the place
Ask any Gizmodo writer...
980cm/s^2 * 2/1,000,000 = 980 * 0.000002
As noted in the article:
Tried to edit my comment... fail.
Boobs are always perkier in Japan, smaller boobs usually are. No they are even more perkierer er.. er EST.