
Same number of games as Roethlisberger got for his second sexual assault allegation. Neat.

So it’s worse than beating your wife, but not as bad as beating your wife but being caught on tape.

I can’t really muster any level of care about this anymore.

“Aron! What are you drinking for?!?”

There’s something vicious and wonderful about not wanting to improve your own team, but rather to smother another team’s dynasty in the crib.

I’d stop the Patriots from taking Tom Brady. Fuck ‘em.

It’s because defense can’t swat a ball out of the cylinder, so you can’t let there be a situation where one team can go after the ball and the other can’t

It differs from NC State because the NC State shot was an air ball that never entered the cylinder. It was short. This one the ball was in the invisible cylinder of the rim that extends upwards.

It is funny about the rules being above the rim.

It’s necessary as long as there is a defensive basket interference rule. Otherwise it’s an unfair advantage for the offense.

The way I’ve always thought of it is that the rim is a wall extending infinitely in to space. If a shot ball is within, or mostly within that wall, it cannot be touched because it needs to have a chance to drop — otherwise it’s basket interference.

I think the basket interference concept exists more because of what could happen if the defensive player did it and it just gets applied to offensive players as well. It’s different than the airball because the ball was “outside of the cylinder”, meaning that there was a 0.0% chance the ball was going in.

Two Sunday nights ago. I was leaving the Yankees/Sox game and thought I could hold it for the 2 hour train ride. I got full on nachos and beer all night, so things were rumbling. Needless to say I thought I could let a silent one slip on the train, only to feel that wet, warm feel we all know. This happened no more

After the 3rd, I was watching from the mental position of “what would have to happen for GS to win.” (This was more an academic exercise than one of fandom.) And, when Ryan Anderson hit that first (let alone second, and third) fadeaway from the left baseline, I thought to myself, that’s probably it. The margin for

Perseverance and confidence are certainly key components of a superstar killer - and Curry showed that last night. But, let’s not pretend he played well in the 4th quarter. To get this straight from the jump, NO lost last night’s game because they were unable to keep GS off the offensive boards late - rebounds that

I mean thats probably a four point play on the three right?

Hey Dzhokar, counting yourself, how many virgins will you find on the other side?

For the record, I think our news coverage the week of the bombings and the manhunt is the best thing this site has ever done, and I’ve never been prouder of it.