
Who did Alaska say that to? I have forgotten everything and the only thing I can think of is god awful Serena ChaCha

You're right- the only plus size queen with a decent personality had been Latrice-muthafuckin'-Royale.

Her boyfriend is f'ing gorgeous. Thank you for sucking 10 minutes out of my workday by entrancing me with youTube videos…

While I agree with you wholeheartedly, I have a ferret and that is just a disservice to him.

I think you're onto something here… I don't see how you can be that bitchy and not be self aware as to the fan reaction. Also, I think I heard somewhere that her and Bri are friends now, so there is that…

You guys have literally made my weeks with your banter. It's one of the few places on the internet where the comment section is just as entertaining, if not more so, than the actual content and not full of morons. Thank you for an awesome season!

I would agree wholeheartedly.
Side note- that was the best LSFYL I have seen in a while.

my thoughts exactly.

my boyfriend hammers this fact home to me as well. I thought it was just him and his Jewishness coming to light. :)

stop relying on that body!

As I was watching this, I turned to look at the people I was watching with and say "please dont let them f— this episode up."

Yes. RPDR is required viewing in my house.  Best comment from my daughter ever- we were discussing fishy queens, and I said that one might consider Jiggly fishy.  She turned and looked at me and goes, "mom, that's not fish- it's whale"

I agree. I was like, what is up with this? I want my ru and guest judge snark!

Thanks :)

I just had to join this board- I can not sit idle anymore as the discussions about this fabulousness happen.