
But we saw him getting painted and sucking brain tubes…

Ours is the only one I read. I like normal petty. Not king petty.

Agreed. My husband was like, she (Nina) needs meds- that's serious depression. I told him her back story, and he's like, still. Larger issues…

My husband was really not feeling this episode at first. (he hasn't read the book) When watching, he's like "this is really boring, can we get back to the Gods?" I was like, I think we're getting to a point here… He was pleased when we saw her die, but his end concession was that it took too long and he'd rather just

If they follow the books….

I was just about to write this. Thanks for beating me to it and saving me from learning how to use spoiler tags..

and this made me actually like her! Sad it was at exit time…

I think you mean Aja…

I was on the edge of the couch waiting for that door to open…

All of what you said above, and to say nothing of the storytelling potential. Finally, someone who knows it's not a metaphor- I think we could get some great story mileage out of this…

That scene just yanked at me…

upvoted for blah blah fishcakes

I would love a web series called Tati's T where she calls folks out for "choices" each week.

Upvoted for maths.

I don't even tweet and I had to go and give Phi2 some love. No one deserves that treatment.

There was a preview scene where *SPOILERS?*
Victor grabs lily while she's talking w Dorian and does the rapist rag on her face and drags her into a carriage (side note: how does he use ether here and NOT when shoving a needle into the guys eye?!)

This was really good. Good job to DigitalEraser…

The incognito window is a beautiful thing….

Nope, its everywhere. We have it out here in Chicago as well :)

Team Z didnt know the scientists had taken the combo cocktail- they were in the stairwell, but Liv & Co didnt know which way they had went. Liv asked if they should go up or down, they chose down but got stopped by Vaughn and the scientists attacked from above.