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    Love it! Yay for the 2/3 sexist!

    What, no “White men” comments? How about that. No article even needed with your gracious response. I agree 100% with you.

    I don’t know about age 30, but yes to all women. Not because women are weak but because of CHIVALRY! It is just a nice thing to do.

    Yay for chivalry!

    “White men”? Really? I am extremely polite and frequently offer up my seat to others who aren’t quite as able as I, but my ability or disability doesn’t come with a color. My eyes are rolling... sigh... Why is everything about color? OK, if we are talking about possible education opportunities you may find a case to

    And we’ve been warned that the main stream media has become fake news, reporting its own social engineering media. You’ve been warned, we’re not listening to you any more!