
We have to be offended by everything. That’s how we show we’re compassionate.

Hey now!

“Dusty Rhodes, the Nature Boy, just got out of a coma. Coma Chameleon, the Pet Shop Boys said it best. Best Western. We’ll leave the light on for you. YouTube, they still haven’t found what they are looking for. “

*receives pink slips*

#ChopOn? Oh fuck that.

I’ve seen that same tactic used by trolls in the comments here. A guy yesterday was telling me that because I didn’t want to debate slavery with him, that meant I didn’t take slavery seriously. There must be a school where they learn these tactics.

Pushing 4th is nothing new for Arsene.


Depends on who you voted for. I voted Hillary and actually enjoyed this article, even if it’s not satirical. It’s a good balance to this site and all of the other Post-Gawker sites.


Oxlade-Chamberlin and Koscielny both struck the ball at the same time (the blue boot gets a touch) and are both onside at that moment. The handball was a judgment by the ref (his arms remain tucked and not extended). The ref was right there, as well, so he got the look he needed to make his judgment.


+1 for favorite user name of the week.

Oh, yeah. Real ugly face. *rolls eyes*

Fish turner.

Step 2: Pay for the Early Boarding.

Step 1: Fly Southwest.

Oh, you’re one of those people. I will, without fail, kick you out of my seat.

You are the reason it takes twice as long to board an aircraft than it should. Thanks for making life a little more miserable for the rest of us.