
Wow that whole thing with Stephanie was creepy as hell. Good episode and I actually liked Amelia on it. I initially didn't like Meredith and Nathan together but now I do…………………. But please no Jackson and Maggie!!

Also Bailey first yelled "call security!." What about the police?!

That whole scenario with the little boy was ridiculous. I guess no one had the phone number to child protective services?!

Owen walking into the elevator, hugging a sobbing Amelia and exiting without saying a word was the weirdest!!

I can't handle Owen and putting him with Amelia is the worst! The guy needs to lighten up and he will never have the chance to do so as long as he stays with her. What a horrid couple.

That was ridiculous! I was thinking it's odd that the surgeons wear jewelry when they are operating let alone dangling eye glass chains, haha.

I can't stand Owen and his ongoing angst!

The whole scene was horrible and unrealistic. Honestly it didn't change my opinion of the POS dad at all. What is really awful is that it is doubtful that a woman that has been so abused and is terrified of her abuser would put her face so close to another male abuser.

Maybe someone who isn't a doctor!

Jo's "lecturing/threatening" the dad on the operating table was so beyond ridiculous. I was actually hoping he would spit in her face. Okay the guy is a creep but really, really?!
And it seems the lesbians on Grey's all have the same look except for Callie. Oh how I miss Callie!

Agree re April. It's a "temporary" job and I'm sure she realizes Meredith isn't going to be suspended forever. Those twits would have been pissed off no matter who took that position. Also I'm sure with the promotion comes more money. For some people the amount of money they make is important. ;)

Excellent recap!

I think Amelia wants children………..she's just terrified of having another baby that will die. But she certainly could discuss this with Owen.

As soon as I started watching Holy Hell I thought there has to be sexual abuse somewhere. And bingo, there was.

I found it weird that when Callie mentioned moving, Arizona said "You have a daughter" instead of "We have a daughter."