
If they aint getting pictures taken, the world might forget who they are.

I think you are right. She can always get back into acting, but I am not sure what Harry will do. Sure they have connections and are well known, but its nothing compared to the obamas. They are on another level of connections.

Our store is now open 24/7. I tend to go extremely late at night before bed and its usually a ghost town

I mean considering people are losing their jobs, worried about their financial futures, and in lockdown avoiding going outside, I would have thought a steep decline in car sales would have been obvious

The united states prides itself on personal rights and liberties and people fight tooth and nail for what they believe is right, even if its dead wrong.

My favorite tin foil hat theory I have heard was “ this disease was carried by dems to the US from China to try and kill off the boomer population in order to get trump out of the white house”.

Drake will be at the front of that line. Always has and always will

Some for sure, but I think the issue with vaping is that a lot of people who never smoked started vaping. Some smokers transitioned to it, but a lot of young people who possibly wouldn’t have started smoking started vaping

Coronavirus gives the bigger news organizations easy panic clicks. 

I am actually interested to see how we plan to handle election polling if this situation doesn’t start to improve by the fall

This also assumes that people would go get tested. I am willing to bet a bunch of people would say, “why waste my time or risk getting sick picking up tests, I feel fine”.

No chance this ends soon. The US is probably one of the hardest countries to flatten a curve due to our distrust of authority and inability to act in favor of any other interests other than our own. People fight tooth and nail to maintain the ways of life they see fit, regardless of how that way of life could

It will never be gone. Even with a vaccine, populations of antivaxxers will make sure this thing always hangs around

In times of crisis, people look for “normal” any way they can because it makes them feel like everything is “ok”. Ironically people fight tooth and nail for those things, even though they may be mundane. Its the same reason, everyone is going bonkers over TP. It’s a small thing in times of crisis and uncertainty make

I guarantee someone will film themselves telling their family or loved ones that they have coronavirus

what’s best for “Our family” is the best way to quantify this whole pandemic. People acting in their own best interests to preserve their own ways of life instead of sacrificing like everyone else and staying put

Op in solo.

I mean the time to kill is nothing without armour, but with armour it takes almost a clip with most weapons to down someone.

So what does your rental agreement say? Most places I have rented only give you a 1 month grace period and that’s only if you let them know well in advance that you were going to miss rent.

It still boggles me that adults don’t recognize that 911 is an emergency line, not a social customer service line