
What I have actually found interesting about this situation is how quickly this virus has spread all over the world.

I think there needs to be a balance in attitudes.

1. I don’t know that a young people are able to even afford real estate that have views worth fighting for? Imagine its different considering many older residents have been living in buildings for decades that used to have great views and now are getting blocked by new development. Most young people are just moving

I think being willing to walk away is a good card to have. Not being so desperate for a job that your willing to accept less than you are worth is an excellent feeling and a great way to go into a negotiation. You can negotiate tough without fear 

Agreed. If your kids see you sitting in front of the TV or Ipad every night watching netflix yet you come after them for playing video games every night is probably a good way to set up a losing battle.

I mean a down market seems like a pretty good time to buy some stock for the rebound

But isn’t that the issue we are dealing with now? People blindly voting for who isn’t “horrible” rather than a person who may be best qualified?

Eh I think you are much better off saving for it. The process of saving helps you decide if it’s something you really want

Usually if I have to put it on an application, give a range of 10-15k that is at least 15K above my current salary.

I agree, I think the media is definitely feeding the frenzy. To me this should be more of an “ aware, but dont panic” situation yet the media is fanning the panic for easy clicks and views.

My favorite was some guy and his wife in my state was interviewed on the news buying all the purell on the shelves. When asked about it they said they were “ buying it for their neighbors” so that the whole neighborhood would be covered.

This actually reminds me of what happened in 2016 the 2 democratic candidates supporters threw so much mud at each other, they couldn’t come together to vote against Trump. My guess is most Warren supporters will abandon their progressive ambitions to spite Bernie supporters and go for Biden.

So your thinking, we’ll likely get the same situation we had back in 2016 or do you think they’ll just flip to Biden to spite Bernie supporters.

According to Jezebel its just the East coast, West coast, South, and the “ Dark zone” which apparently is just one big corn field

Exactly, those women don’t want Trump but they don’t want to vote for anyone to left of center.

“Coastys” always like to brag when they visit the “dark zone” (midwest) 

I don’t think anyone is or would dispute that

This seems to me like a case for a better packing strategy than a case for solid cologne

This seems to me like a case for a better packing strategy than a case for solid cologne

That’s how you know that commenter is an “old”

It’s ironic that candidates will push and support issues that interest young people, however they don’t vote. It makes me wonder how important these issues actually are to young people that they aren’t willing to stop binge watching the office long enough to go to the polls.