I cringe every time I hear someone say “ happy wife, happy life”. It’s a poor statement and shitty advice that puts emphasis on a wifes happiness being more important than a husband’s, which simply isn’t true.
I cringe every time I hear someone say “ happy wife, happy life”. It’s a poor statement and shitty advice that puts emphasis on a wifes happiness being more important than a husband’s, which simply isn’t true.
I think the tough thing when managing ambition is figuring out, if you don’t chase that higher position now, would you change your mind in the future and are you in a career when you have the option to potentially coast for a few years and still be able to move up later on if you desired.
I would just have it go to my savings.
Should a drunk person using smart summon still get a DUI? Would it still count as operating a motor vehicle?
Please check your mirror as well.
Well, your grandkids are probably on Instagram which is owned by Facebook and they probably don’t realize that.
I imagine it might even be a bit lighter than avg
I would have been horrified if she got away with it. Can you imagine the precedent? A person can “mistakenly” come in your home and shoot you then claim they were standing their ground. I mean I can’t imagine living in a world where we allowed that to happen.
Yeah but this is a white woman in Texas. Wouldnt be surprised if they cut her some major slack
Can you imagine the precedent it would set if she was found not guilty? Holy shit would that be a scary world to live in where a white person can essentially break into your house and shoot you, then claim they were just “ standing their ground”.
I can almost guarantee, someone has a shipment of “ aunt Becky ‘crime visitors’” from China soon to hit amazon. Sellers on that site move quick as hell to monetize what’s “in”
She should have to donate a portion of the proceeds to the college’s general scholarship fund, for non-rich college applicants.
I think a true punishment for the wealthy, would be not only giving them the punishment for their crimes, but also denying them the ability to monetize their crime story
If the suv is cheaper, why would anyone ever buy the coupe?
Which is uglier, this or the X6?
The tesla model X is a rounded aztec that people have come to accept. Not sure why though
That’s the key, people will still get bored with their cars and want to upgrade. Additionally, people will still pay off their car then immediately think its time to jump into another car. There may be a small dip but I dont think buyer behavior will drasticall change. People still love shiny things
I would say the key is being able to move to a low cost city but still maintain your high cost city income.
This is what I wanted to know. I always see tons of comments in vape articles about how it helped people quit smoking, but it seemed as though a large portion of those people still continued to vape and did so at rate far more frequent than smoking due partly to the convenience factor.
What did you go to school for the first time and what did you go back to school for the second time when you switched gears?