
Yeah, but the reason ride-share companies took over is because the taxi system was broken. Shitty cabs, lazy dispatchers, and unreliable scheduled pickups drove people away when there was another option.

Guess this is our daily “ Joe Biden sucks because....” piece.

It likely would have been a misdemeanor charge with an appearance in court, a fine, and community service.

It’s literally an Amazon choice item....

This whole story reads to me as a typical “ I can dish it, but cant take” conversation.

These stars hate cancel culture because its the one-way society lets big YouTubers know they fucked up, and get them actually feel the magnitude of the fuck up.

I don’t think it needs to move the needle. This line of cologne has been popular for several years now so I think the outrage marketing just draws more attention to a product that is already doing well.

To be fair, this cologne has been overall a massive hit for Dior and sold extremely well.

They released a new version of it quite recently.

Yes but as you noted in your original post, people are doing it just to get their pet to be able to fly which is not what it is intended for. Now every person who actually needs one is judged because people think it’s just some ass hat pet owner who bought a vest on amazon for their dog.

Exactly, here we are again trying to further separate the democratic party lines among the candidates by shitting on the other ones and alienating those fan bases. Do they really want to piss off people so much that they stay home again or throw away their vote allowing trump to walk away with another one?

Wouldnt they just double down on opioids and prescription drugs? With how bad things have been, that seems like a fair place for them to shift their attention.


In college: I think it’s great to make friends with or try to make friends with at least 1-2 people in the class.

I think they should also take into consideration if jobs in their major of choice pay a decent wage. Had a lot of friends go to school for exactly what they wanted only to be shocked that jobs in their major pay almost nothing.

I am still rocking an original iPhone 5. Wont be looking to upgrade unless it kicks the bucket

A family friend has the X50I and I wont lie, it was a nice vehicle to ride in. The ride was smooth and the seats in the back were quite comfortable as well.

The issue with Tennis is just surviving the serve or her return, both are going to come at you blistering fast and requires a high level of reaction time and skill to return. I think if one could get past those, then they have a chance.

Give me the ball on a fake punt attempt.

A woman who CHOSE to work closely with that man...