
Thank you for running this. I don’t have any love for Trump, but he’s not wrong about fake news. And I agree with you in that this isn’t anywhere near anything of importance - I mean, he’s feeding fish - but this is the level it’s reached. And this:

I love that one of your sister sites posted it as well...

Kind of wish it was about something he actually did wrong rather than this. As another poster showed, Abe did it first. We can rip on him for so much without making shit up

Now playing

I REALLY am loathe to defend Trump, but video CLEARLY shows Abe doing it first. This is why alt-right idiots bleat on about fake news.

Adam is a little drama queen bitch over $2. They are going to use that money to provide more and better content and their already killing, just got Stranger Things 2 and you can bet I’ll be catching some Punisher. This winy little bitch poorly manages how many services he has and cuts the wrong one. Enjoy mediocrity.

$14 is still a LOT less than the $140 a month for basic cable TV. We have Amazon too, but we easily use enough Netflix to make it worth the $$$.

Fuck Palin and Fuck Kinja. And Fuck CancerAids

So condescending and dismissive. YouTube is a medium just like film or television. No better or worse. Lots of it is terrible, but there are many talented, creative and hard working creators on YouTube making amazing content.

I assume this is Matt Hoss’ burner. You’re insane dude.

Now is a good time to point out that the couple behind the H3H3 channel aren’t necessarily angels.