
A choice to slap destiny across it’s face with a sloppy wet dick or shove it in its ass

This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen, fuck that shit and slap it with a dick

This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen, fuck that shit and slap it with a dick

This website can suck my humongas cock

My cock is throbbing right now

Sucking that throbbing cock and let that wolf cum cover that glazed ass

If I had a quarter a stupid mother tried to tell me some nonsense I’d throw it in their fucking face

Fuck you I do what the fuck I want

Fuck you I do what the fuck I want

What a filthy piece of shit, I’d throw slurpy in his face and bitch slap this mother fucker......yea some dirty ass shit mother fuckin bitch cunt whore

Fuck you, I do what I want you stupid mother fucker

Vince Vaughn is a crybaby little bitch, I’d slap him like a ho and tell him to go to bed

Fuck this stupid fucking shit, I’d tbag the hell out of him

Bro yes, fuck that shit!!! Mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck

They all get caught in the end stupid fuck!

Kinja is my shit bitch, do you guys get tired of choking your own balls?

Kinja is my shit bitch, do you guys get tired of choking your own balls?

That’s fucking stupid...balls balls balls balls balls balls

Man this site sucks major balls, like big round fuzzy ones with a wart

This sis the stupidest price of shit....fuck fuck fuck ck fuck duck

Stupid fucking price of shit

Adam sounds a little butthurt to admit they won, I’m sorry you think criticism is bullying. Probably think this comment is bullying too huh? People are so entitled and sensitive these days, like my God...