Donna Barstow Draws

Wow, whether this was a season Finale or a real one, what an astonishing episode. This show takes all kinds of chances, and although, as the reviewer said, there are some familiar beats, on the whole, they managed to surprise me with the plot in most episodes. This is why I watched every single one of this show, and

Yes. Nosey Parker.

Please tell me ONE show on TV that doesn't have at least one gay character. And sitcoms like to have more. It's part of their contract.


Thanks for wrecking my week. Some of us don't obsessively read TV ratings.

Hmmm, guess I missed that. It should have been spelled out for non-baseball viewers.

The therapist was good. I hope she's in more of the story. Because he may need her…

To the reviewer, no comment on how disgusting it is that they stole an object FROM A MUSEUM?? I could hardly concentrate on the rest of the show, and it was just one or 2 scenes later that someone talked about being ethical. Riiiight. Both of them were thieves and liars.
There is a lot of illegal stuff in this show,

I forget who Douglas is? But I think Hank is miscast. He can't do slapstick that well, and his lines seem kind of flat and obvious.

I was glad to see he has a normal friend.

I like this show!

"…by the end of the pilot we’re still at a loss to ponder the ramifications of a bigwig’s vehicular homicide in our daily lives."
Sorry, what does this even mean? This was a pleasantly trashy show, and I will tune in next week, too. Everything is so pretty.

Kind of disappointed. Kiefer is so perfect, such a very good man, that I wonder if this is more of a vanity project for him. His family is also perfect.

Wow. I didn't know people still tried to make a point using the d-b word.

Just a note that I hope they have new dialogue writers for next season, AND a new recap writer here. Meredith's intrinsic hate of the show, no matter what episdoe, is such a downer.

I'm watching on DVD, too. Really enjoyed the first few episodes (I spread them out, maybe one every 2 or 3 days), but it got worse through the season. Hated the Linden/Holder talkathon, like the worst first date ever. Was I supposed to be taking notes on the characters?

So this whole time you were waiting for a romance, reviewer?
This is the first epi I didn't like. I don't want 10 new facts on each character dumped into one show. And no one bonds in one night, anyway. Too much touchy-feely.

Thanks for telling us you break copyright law and steal intellectual property. We think you're so cool for doing this.

You're right. She always worried at something wrong until she could fix it. Why IS she back with the Senator? She must have some plan. (And of course there's no way he would trust her after what she did with Brody, so he would never appoint her anyway…)

There isn't one thing I want to see on this show anymore. Hate the baby. Hate Istanbul. Hate Carrie without Saul. Don't care what she does next. I used to like her tall handyman guy tech guy, but he disappeared early in the season. #fail to Showtime.
Looking around for hints he isn't really dead, but see nothing. I'm