Donna Barstow Draws

Gah, I HATE THIS SHOW SO MUCH now. Also, f-ing Showtime. But what a relief not to read Todd any more and his weeping, and now gloating. I didn't read this recap as soon as I saw he was patting himself on the back.

Don't know if I can even stand watching. Will Saul set up a cradle in his office?

Stop it stop it stop it.
One person doesn't hate him. Soon to be 2.

You know, Todd, just give up your self-analysis in every recap. NO ONE cares if you are so disappointed that Brody is still in the show, or how much you very much want him dead. Honestly, is it just that you have a big crush on Carrie? :)

I don't know about Chrissy, but you ARE the last person who should be writing these recaps. Take your anger somewhere else. Or at least look up the word OBJECTIVE, and try try try to say one positive thing.

Oh sure. And who else besides Brody would you care about behind the lines? Who else will we have under real gunfire, dragging people to safety, rolling on the ground, or terrified?
Well, hello, Saul. Not likely.

I know, I had real feelings for both of them, even in such short roles. And even though I, too, couldn't keep the bearded guys apart. They just held their own on the screen. I hate Javardi SO MUCH for killing the one.

I just said the same thing above, 5 years later…

Dear AV Club, Please don't let recappers like Meredith write if they don't like the show at all. It really ruins the fun in coming here. Sure, there are some parts we hate in certain shows, but you have to assume that if someone takes the time to come over here, they like SOMETHING about it.
Meredith couldn't think of

Try and think outside the box: ie, not just follow what the recapper said about no emotional attachment. How much "emotional attachment" do you feel in almost any cop show?

It sort of sounds like the reviewer doesn't like the show. That's a pity, because I'm finding it difficult to limit it to only one show a night on the DVD. Can't wait to see more rain.

Why is the bathroom profanity left in these comments? To make sure no one reads anything more on AVC? I don't see any report buttons, but this is really disgusting.

Script written by an unreligious person, obviously. At least try to get the debate going.

Note to self: if it's anything about a woman's body, skip all the comments afterward. It's all downhill.

Yeah, it might only last one season…

Her whole thread in this one was so awful. She wasn't dying or starving or hallucinating - she was sitting there with a cell phone for an hour. Most administrators would be delighted. AND not funny at all.

Why was she a slut? Incorrect language here.
Also, I didn't get that she doped him up for that reason - that is wrong, if true.

I hope I'm not Miss Obvious, but it wasn't til the end that I realized it's really Jackie who needs the lessons in tap dancing.
it was this episode that made me head over here - very exciting events.

Disagree with all. Love Cece somewhere far far away, miss Coach, and let Jess go visit Cece in Far Far Away for a bit.

Thanks for telling us you're gay and you're attached. I could never have read this review properly without knowing that. Oh, and that you're already pretending 2 of the characters are also lesbian. Bound to be some exciting double entendres coming up!