Donna Barstow Draws

Jess came back too soon for me. I miss the energy of Megan. But Cece is a fraction better now. There were some funny bits - Winston's new partner was so funny, and Nick and the flasher.

I would love it if the reviewer didn't quote every. single. quip. Really, these lines aren't funnier the 2nd time.

? I didn't get this. Now Brody is addicted to NEW drugs?

Wow, Todd made a funny. (Brody not interested in Chris.)

Will you just shut up??? No one likes people who spoil.

Why is Reagan so one-note? She's cold. That's it.

I don't know why the reviewer doesn't just quote the whole script, and be done with it.

Gross about baby. Thanks for spoilers. Try not to comment here any more.

RATHER juvenile? Bad bad selfish mother. I hope there's no baby. It ruins sitcoms and adult shows.

You're gross. Shut up.

THAT's love???? Quinn is a bad guy. The fact that he shot her at all is more proof. They could have just run out and grabbed her, DUH.

SPOILER (just my theory, but…)

This is the first recap from Todd I almost liked. I just think I have to be positive once in a while. Although the fact you just did a 180 from being in LOVE with the show to saying you wouldn't bother to watch it unless you had to…difficult to believe anything you write now.

I'm afraid it will be Brody's and he's not around, so Quinn will step in. Suburban CIA family life. BORING.

I miss him so so so much. We never knew what he was thinking - never. His chemistry in the beginning with Carrie was off the charts - before she emasculated him and broke him and blackmailed him. Those aren't too sexy.

People complain because they want to make things better. That's simple, too.

Maybe it's a good thing Tod is still analyzing this show for all he's worth, because I actually feel things now - everything contrary to him. I hate that Brody is so missing, it's a much poorer show without him, Saul is NOT all that, and I really like Senator Whathisface, who has sensible questions and reactions.

The writers hoped you would think that! I only cared what was happening with his wife.

Well, I guess we know now that Cece won't ever get a show of her own. Bickering with Nick, and really giving him the hate faces….that was fun. This is the first episode that made me remember how AWFUL it is having roommates, instead of the good times. Schmidt was trampled down and Winston's only interaction was with a

I'll be honest, I can't read these reviews of bad episodes. You are hitting every beat as if it matters, and quoting bad lines. Does AV not allow you to say an epi sucks?