Donna Barstow Draws

No, you were right the first time - very much not good. Cece is a terrible character or actor, or both.

I didn't get anything between her & guy but friends. Of course she gets lonely when he's gone all the time. Big deal.

Everyone needs a job, right?

WHY does it always look like Wash DC is this cute little town?? Terrible locations, just awful.

I'm feeling like Carrie is a bit of a lightweight about love. Does she think about Brodie at ALL??? Not that we can see. And I'm thinking I wasted 2 seasons thinking this was the greatest love story of all time, that's petering out to nothing.

Well, some of us don't watch this for a father-daughter relationship, so I disagree. Cute once in a while. But remember the season premiere in Season 1, where she tried to SEDUCE him? Man, that was shockingly good writing. TG it didn't happen, but at least it wasn't huggy bear.

Not the least bit funny.

Did Cece really have plastic surgery? What, in her 30s?

Good point - I hated the engagement so many months ago, and it does ruin his character. It wasn't so much that he slept with everyone, but he seemed to see each woman as a new creative challenge. It was fun.

Ugh, I thought it was a total cliche and a clumsy way to hide her new fat.

Moving it to 8 was a warning bell. And no one said the "p" word, I noticed. (I keep score on this in Twitter.)

Clunky describes it well. I don't even know what the reviewer found to write about for so many paragraphs.

I have a crush on Robby. And Outside Dave was hysterical. I think the men on this show are a lot better…actors and characters…than the women.

There was no POSSIBLE reason to use that word, yet you had to do it. Why is a scumbag who hates half the population even allowed to comment here????


I am so naive. I thought the firm just wanted publicity, as they do with all the serial killers/politicians/etc in the news.

I really enjoyed this episode. Think it helped not to have Brody family in it. Life and death for Brody, and interesting to see how Carrie tries to deal in the hospital.

If only Todd didn't enjoy his own thoughts and writing quite so much. SIGH.

Yes, I forgot how annoying that was. I thought she was a translator or accountant, not the lead negotiator. She'd have gotten fired for that stat in any job.

So it appears I'm the only who has no sympathy for Carrie. I hardly like her now. She's always right, she's abrasive, and she must be so annoying to have around. The ONLY reason she ended up in the hospital again is because she refused to take her medicine. That's called being pig-headed. Would we feel sorry for