Donna Barstow Draws

Thanks for the spoiler.

Realistic and true are not things I look for in my teevee stories.

Her sullen faces are so tedious. When I saw her smile on top of the bf, I actually thought she was pretty for the first time.
But in general, this is a Channel 5 teen story.

Isn't a woman covering her hair more of a traditional or cultural thing than a religious one? I mean, we can still see her hair. It's just a token.
And I do think it's a little brazen to walk into a job your first week, where 200 people died because of what your country did, — people who were just standing where you

Thanks for saying the extremely sexist word "douchey." Some woman.

He's not a murderer, so of course he's more innocent than Walt and now Jesse. And we do have to judge people here in comparisons - that's what this show is about, watching people slide to the bottom, or somehow get out. I don't actually think we've seen anyone get out alive.

I don't think he killed him. I think he will hide the kid, start to love him, start an affair with Carrie, and the 3 of them will live happily ever after.

I really did like the hearing and the head interrogator. I don't like Dana that much as an actress, but I thought it was a bold move by the writers to have her actually try to commit suicide - the doctor pointed out that she really meant it. What would Brody think, if he knew?

I liked her mother. Speaks her mind, but not to excess…like Carrie. Carrie does excess a lot.

Copyediting is not something to be ashamed of. :)

Geez, not fond of this writer. Why would you need to bring 24 into this review, or Breaking Bad (which some of us have NOT seen yet)? Why tell us Brody won't be in the 2nd epi either? Wha? Why? Also, a little long for my taste. Not to mention constantly repeating that he liked Season 2 a lot more than others did. Yes,

I would like this, but the f word was unnecessary.

I don't get this, Donna. You have some insightful points about the characters, and what they're doing, but not one word about how funny this is! I laughed in so many places! Great writing. And writing humor is hard.

Marie is more one note than Jesse's gross house and friends and getting high for 4 episodes?

Someone tell me how to report this guy for breaking copyright and being a cheap scumbag.

And so another crime series begins.

Thanks for saying the b word. Loser.

I can't believe that Todd actually writes this stuff. Ridiculous.

I can't believe that Todd actually writes this stuff. Ridiculous.
