Donna Barstow Draws


I thought about that, too: he's the new Carrie, watching people, and he'll probably (or already has) fallen in love with her.

I thought about that, too: he's the new Carrie, watching people, and he'll probably (or already has) fallen in love with her.

That's a good way to put it: it's a great standalone, I didn't like (maybe hated a little) this season, too, but the last epi had a couple good scenes, and this one had a lot. I DID like the love scenes. Thought they were so on, and kind of surprising. I was also really surprised at the end when she decided not to go

That's a good way to put it: it's a great standalone, I didn't like (maybe hated a little) this season, too, but the last epi had a couple good scenes, and this one had a lot. I DID like the love scenes. Thought they were so on, and kind of surprising. I was also really surprised at the end when she decided not to go

If that's a spoiler, fark you. And I'm never going to read anything by you again. Ahole

If that's a spoiler, fark you. And I'm never going to read anything by you again. Ahole

I think he kinda likes her.

I think he kinda likes her.

Did anyone notice how bent over he was in many scenes, especially in the interrogation room? He looked like he was in pain.

Did anyone notice how bent over he was in many scenes, especially in the interrogation room? He looked like he was in pain.

Sorry, this was the worst review yet. He writes as if he's trying to please the producers: Oh, sure, it had a few flaws, but it still rocks, and let's play make believe and guess the ending!!
You know, you can be a critic, Todd, and call out the badness, as well as the good. No one says you have to be fair, just honest.

Sorry, this was the worst review yet. He writes as if he's trying to please the producers: Oh, sure, it had a few flaws, but it still rocks, and let's play make believe and guess the ending!!
You know, you can be a critic, Todd, and call out the badness, as well as the good. No one says you have to be fair, just honest.

Please don't hate her because she's beautiful. Even though I think it's too late for you.

Please don't hate her because she's beautiful. Even though I think it's too late for you.

It was horrible, right after her tripping in the puddle and losing her sword of Damascus. I had to laugh at that. But this was worse: as if Nazir was outsmarted and overcome by little defenseless Carrie.

It was horrible, right after her tripping in the puddle and losing her sword of Damascus. I had to laugh at that. But this was worse: as if Nazir was outsmarted and overcome by little defenseless Carrie.

I'm positive it was Mike.

I'm not wild about this one. I would have liked to see Walter's jump from being terrified to deciding he had to kill Gus. Yes, I understood what he was thinking with the gun buying, but still, we didn't get to see his thinking. He might have some morals left, especially about cold-blooded murder of someone he had
