


Which to me is proof of her whiteness b/c no one offers that excuse for BW.

So, what was changed? I don't get it.

She’s only Marvel’s most powerful hero.

At least it's something different for her. Everytime Gwen shows up in any form I feel like I'm just waiting on her to die.

Why they don’t put Gohan in this pic. Coz you know, he’s the one that actually go to school.

Saban is apparently trying to make a reboot movie, so they probably don't want this interfering with their official movie...

No one drops mics like Gaston either.


...and I hate both hashtags and deliberate misspellings of easily-spelled words.

But seriously, though, this character actor ate that dude's lunch like he wasn't even trying. I -just- started back to the gym (a couple of weeks back, so I'm not -entirely- in the New Years Resolution club—just really close), and

that was the best put-down of the new year

"Perhaps he needs a hand."

Yes, you're absolutely right!

And again, there is no crime here.

We don't trust the system will work for us. We work as hard as we can not to get fucked by the system.

Amanda Waller is on Arrow and every bit as ruthless as the comics version even if she is skinny and gorgeous. EVERYONE on that show is skinny and gorgeous, even by TV/Movie standards.

Tesla and Dhalua Strong

Don't forget Tom Strong's wife Dhalua, and his daughter Tesla.