
Its not one of those factory-style Muslim Bans we used to protest. Nowadays artisan CBP officers handcraft bespoke Muslim Bans tailored individually to fit each and every Islamic Visa holder.

Can’t we just put them into Debtor’s prisons and put them back into Wal-Mart and Amazon on work release programs? Just cut out all the middlemen and predatory apps.

seems like if they are mutually antagonizing each other both of their brands benefit. I’m sure if I went to a right-leaning blog there would be a post about how silly AOC should never have challenged Saint Laura

I’ve never forgiven him for involuntarily outing that Conde Nast exec, even if he started a new career as an athlete

Hollywood needs to make a movie about a Brian Griese type who wants to retire but has to come back to keep his signing bonus from being recouped and purposefully plays poorly to earn his release but in a twist the team is tanking and enjoys it

Hey everyone this is just a meta-post parodying of all the equivocations we had about Clinton in 2016. “You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton as a person to support her candidacy: look at her policy stances” etc.

These RBs and WRs have to maintain elite athleticism and conditioning, if they slip up for 1 season they are cut and replaced by the newer version plucked from a neverending pool of replenishing candidates... while QBs master a rare craft and coast on that in-demand skill for 1-3 decades. It would get on my nerves too.

Moving forward, we in the DNC share your concerns are keeping working class white voters in mind. Congressional Candidate A is a veteran who supports the Second Amendment, reasonable limits on abortions, lower taxes/less regulations, strong borders, and American Jobs. Congressional Candidate B is a Muslim. In these

Hey hey now. Sandusky was an EMPLOYEE of Penn State! don’t know what u are implying here.

it was his game, circa 2010. they still havent gotten back in touch unfortunately

Thanks Michigan, we’ll keep your resume on file.

Well, the real conventional thing to do is not sit on your balls. However if you really want to DISRUPT the DINOSAURS in the ballsack industry create an app that allows peer-reviewed users rent your balls for sitting-on purposes during the share of time that you own balls but aren’t sitting on them.

“Spurs should never trade a torn dollar bill for three quarters” — Bill Simmons

Patricia men >>> Schiano men


Is Zidane the Tyron Lue of managers tho???? #deadspinbro Is Zidane even an elite manager?? #barstoolbro

yeah but seriously what about Peter King meeting Richard Sherman at a Macklemore concert.. what a buried lede in the last MMQB goodbye column

bro do you even fascism


border patrol has to patrol the whole border. all the borders. all the time. even the boring ones like montana. nobody is really trying to cross up there, so you gotta just harass a buncha messicans if you want a good performance review