something something something clever foxconn joke
if you have iGear, root/unlock that and it will sell for muuch more
@MaliciousH: or post on the internet
@oops_jo: well you really only have one hand available anyway.
@thehouserules: *deposits check for negative 100,000 dollars*
what if the liquid cooling was done with beer...
@m.dvandenakker: stop bringing up the courier! each time I begin to forget what could have been, someone brings it up and I'm sad again.
is it only support for one controller now? do most of their games (pc games) have split screen/local-multiplayer modes in the first place?
@Alexander Riccio: photosynth is a little different, but it would definitely be really cool with a kinect
@toren: what if you turned each ones ir dots on and only told the camera to turn on when it's dots where, this is doable but to make it useable the frame rate would need to be really high
@Biduleman: yeah, the difference is you don't need a camera, a laser/projector, (and a phone to hook up to the projector to display the images), with this all you need is the kinect and a backdrop (maybe not even a backdrop)
couldn't you then use this as a super simple 3D scanner if you recorded the point cloud that is generated?
@.Trenchant.: can you have filter processing that works that well? I would assume the output of the sound is very different than what the microphone hears. Add background noise, and everybody putting the kinect in a different location in relation to speakers/walls, and I would think that there still would be times…
What if someone made a game where on the last level, the main character said "xbox, shut down."
reminds me of the pregnancy test app...
If one were to play a game with kinect naked, would it recognize your man parts
@Brian De Leon: probably a a software driver, but it is completely possible that they need to do some sort of hardware modification to get it working as well.
"...the treatment found their performance level significantly improved on a *battery* of tests."