America is a horrible place full of horrible people. No offence.
America is a horrible place full of horrible people. No offence.
Every single time we make a stride towards some form of gender unity in this community it gets massively undercut by some assholes who think it’s somehow an invasion of their turf.
Its a Parody of the True Crime genre, but it has a lot more going on than that. Its not some amazing laugh out loud funny parody. The humor is very deadpan. But is a great look at high school life and the lables we put on the diffrent types of high schoolers.
Just on a technical level, American Vandal was incredibly well-made. I’d love to know about the work that went into getting the Nana’s Party episode right.
Ugh, phrasing.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed American Vandal, that show was sneaky good. Haven’t tried My Big Mouth yet, but ill breakdown eventually.
It works for the fundamentalist Christians who don’t want their kids to be taught about Evolution, homosexuality or transgenderism....
What? Pretty sure everyone not up to their ears in debt is richer than the Trumps. The only thing keeping any of us from maxing out our credit cards on solid gold toilet seats is not being a moron.
I mean could they not muster a fake smile seeing as we’re all paying their fucking room and board now??
Maybe, but for the time being he’s just a child born into a shitty family, from whom (I feel comfortable in assuming) genuine love and affection are at a premium. He might well grow up to be a monster, but at least for the moment I’m not terribly conflicted about feeling a tinge of sympathy for him.
Melania looks like she’s trying to put on a brave face on her way to the guillotine. Je refuse to comment on the Trumpkin.
One can only hope! It’s obvious he’s much closer to his mother, and she hates Trump. Maybe the older he gets the more he’ll realize how shitty his father was to his mother.
Unless! Unless he’s the rebel. There doesn’t seem to be one.
I’ve seen kids with that same expression. Of course if I explain why it’s not unsettling and they are really cool people who happen not to be neurotypical, Melanie might sue me.
By virtue of being born to Trumpkin, he’s already richer than you or I will ever be and will have many, many opportunities that most of us would only dream of. And chances are he won’t grow up to be any better than Donald Jr. or Eric. In fact, having him grow up seeing his dad skewered by the left will probably make…
Still better than being Eric.
They look like a family coming back from the lottery office after finding out they didn’t actually the jackpot.