
“A white southern aristocrat in those days would have never called another white man “boy,” as that was a derogatory term indicating the place of black men in the Jim Crow status rankings.”

I see from the comments we have a lot of health care and insurance experts.

“We have massive evidence that today’s (sic) voters are very open to left wing socialist policies...”??  Really? Please share your source for this. Oh, right - www.berniefor2020.com

OMG! A reasonable voice among the do-or-die leftists.  Some people need to get over that entitlement syndrome.

Wow! A triple negative!

Can you share those Bible verses about not making a show of your faith? I’d like to put on the windshield of every car in my Florida town who has an “In God we trust” sticker, including all the govt and cop cars.

Hey, the boy on northern patrol get bored and got to kick it up ever now and then. And probably a little jealous how the southern boys are kicking ass. So they imprisoned a teenager for a couple weeks. Just kid. No harm. Right?

Well, the Democratic males’ responses didn’t seem to identify the major problem here much better than Bilirakis. Don’t you guys have some women working on your campaigns?

Wow! Now I’m gonna sign up!

I really don’t care if I never hear or see anything of Melania. I can’t get passed the partial nudity shots and lesbian porno scene. I dislike her being in the White House only slightly less than her incompetent husband.