
Ok, This is off-topic, The other night on facebook, folks where trying to convince themselves they are not racist, Obama was/is a muslim and therefore they could never vote for him, Trump is a good American and a fine example of a human being. Some people can not get over being a fool.

This. All the this. Please sit in that ‘but’ for a beat. Best advice ever. Applies to many situations.

No, you don’t have to nitpick here. You are choosing to make your own qualifications of the article hitting or missing a mark that you have defined because you feel entitled to do so. This article was written by an African American author and posted to The Root, an online magazine which centers African American

I cried when I saw this photo. The pope looks like a goddamn hostage and Cantaloupe Calliou looks like an animatronic member of the Chuck E Cheese band that got stuck on screen saver.

She cosigned that birther shit. That’s all you need to know.

You just know she married him hoping he’d be dead by now and she could take his millions and live in peace and privilege with her son. Fuck her for going along with all of this and enabling but you know she just resents the shit out of him for living this long.

This. I’m glad she’s shading his ass but this is like seeing two people I hate fight. I don’t like either one, I just like the fact they’re both miserable.

I mean, it’s still “Fuck Melania and that family forever,” but I do appreciate how much she openly can’t stand him and how Trump keeps trying hold her hand. They deserve each other.

I just came here to say that my President Barack loves Michelle so much. He can’t keep his hands off of her. In that one clip, he eyes her up and down before kissing her hand! He LOVES his woman.

Yeah, no.

“He’s been handled 37 times through Dallas County—37 offenses,”

What triggered the change?

“If your mind is clean and heart is open, nothing and no one can hurt you.”

Sic semper tyrannous?

This all seems pretty standard and not outrageous... yet. The first thing you should know about the idea of defending yourself with a gun is even if its a clear cut case of self defense (as this seems to be) Your life is going to suck for months minimum, if not years if the internet shame brigade jumps on it.

It’s so weird to me how cops just started doing stuff like this since cell phones with video cameras became so common place. You’d think they would have been up to these same shenanigans before, but the outcomes of so many internal investigations into such reports made it clear that witnesses and alleged victims were

Seriously, it took my a long time to unpack why I’m the age that I’m at and have the horrible relationship that I have with my parents. I can talk to them sometimes, but I have a baseline fear of them that will probably never go away.