
Reasonable travel expenses from home to work or work to home are not deductible. Reasonable travel expenses from one place of work to another place of work are deductible, including gasoline used on that trip. I believe the current mileage rate (if you don't want to track expenses) is 14 cents/mile.

They only have to be unanimous for criminal proceedings, where the level of confidence is beyond a reasonable doubt because you're going to send somebody to prison. Removing someone from a University is nowhere near as offending.

They don’t err on the side of the accuser. In order to be found responsible, a consensus of the committee (usually a committee) has to be 51% sure the accused is responsible for what they're accused of.

Going to university is a privilege, and universities, especially private ones, are free to decide who can attend (obviously without discriminating). Just because someone isn’t criminally found guilty for murder doesn’t mean they belong at a University.

Also, typically, a committee made up of students, faculty, and

Attending school is a privilege, not a right. They're free to implement their own system for determining who should be at their school (especially if private) so long as they stay within reasonable bounds. For conduct purposes, that bound is widely held to be "more likely than not."

Based on my four years of experience with student conduct proceedings at higher-education institutions and reading everything that came from this, yeah, I'm able to have an opinion on this. You don't have to be in the room to get a feel for what happened. If there were any major breaks from procedure, we'd already

A University's student conduct process is almost entirely legally protected, especially for private schools. Only way a judge would step in is if there's a massive miscarriage of justice or the school's policies weren't applied, which is certainly not the case here.

I, too, hate when people are paid for "coming in early/ staying late." Everybody should be required to have an unpaid internship for at least the first to years of work.


Deadline actually isn't until Monday champ.

That’s entirely illegal and very shady. I’d switch to a preparer that actually does their job.

As long as you meet the other requirements (mainly, have a High Deductible Health Plan), you can set one up with most banks.

My funds have different goals. The target fund is for retirement, other ones for current income.

Only the portion based on the actual value of your car is deductible. Usually, that's the smallest amount of the renewal (like $25).

You can still get a paycheck without getting a W-2.

If you're an employee and your employer has a sponsored HSA, then yeah. If you're an independent contractor/Schedule C reporter, then probably not.

Thanks for making my workday slightly less shitty.

You can only contribute to an HSA if you have a high-deductible insurance plan.