
It’s probably the best part of Kotaku. The community has always been solid. The writers however? Well, let’s just say if you decide on posting that World of Warcraft Legion Delay you’ve been writing up you could expect me knocking at your bedroom door to give you such a slap you’ll be asking yourself “Wow, not much

So, how many weeks in a row has Gamercat had this trophy joke running? At least it was kinda funny at first?

Cough Cough, Mother 4.

I mean, I thought even amongst most people who play it they admit it’s a below average game compared to the actual pokemon games, but has way more social interaction that makes it special and still playable. That’s actually kinda disappointing to here.

I don’t know if I should be more or less worried about the PC release now. Anybody know if they share servers or not?

Really? That’s fucking ridiculous. Sure, some people adore this game, but there’s a lot of us who don’t want to spend too much time on it, but I’d still like to get SOME enjoyment out of it! I feel I should be able to do that without investing entire days on it.

Oh, I know that. I’m just also saying HAVING third party support isn’t always successful as well!

Snarky comments aren’t always opinions, but just a way to get a cheap laugh out of something that happened. (May I direct you to “Poise Working as Intended”?) It was just a joke man.

There wasn’t tracking, but you could ask around as to what shows up where. For someone like me who lives in “The Middle of Fucking Nowhere”, this was a godsend. I’d know where to meet up with friends to hang out and have a better chance at catching some things with really enjoy WHILE doing what you said you were! The

Didn’t the Vita as well? And we all see how that turned out. Mine is still LITERALLY gathering dust since I beat Persona 4 Golden nearly a year ago now.

It’s restricted to Elves since we are specifically playing as the Illidari Demon Hunters, which were only made up of Elves. I doubt they would give other races a chance at the class.

I remember when this game first came out I was in this phase where I was extremely excited for any horror game, and scoured the Amnesia custom stories for anything that had a shred of quality. A friend of mine INSISTED this was an amazing game, buying into the RE hype even a few months after its release and repeated

Okay, you need to stop with this. Do you believe companies would just LIE about a video game developer creating a franchise single handedly so that fans of that old franchise will flock to his new game? It would obviously show in the final game that it’s just as good as the previous titles!

So, I’m ‘cheating’ because my incredibly small town of >100 people using wifi doesn’t give off enough Pokemon to keep me playing the game?

“Then just don’t care if you lose and play whoever however. It’s just quick play, so it doesn’t matter.” It’s hard to have fun when you spend more than half the game dead due to being countered so hard by a single enemy. (Mei and Genji is a rough example for me.) Also, changing characters isn’t kicking into

Never before have I said I want everyone to hard counter Pharah. I simply said I want to feel like I’m able to physically do something about her without putting in a tremendous amount of effort with most characters I enjoy. It’s the same problem I have with Mei. I don’t ever want to completely switch characters

To be fair though, Pharah being so airborne gives her some pretty solid defenses too. There were way too many characters that I fealt should be able to shoot her outta the sky. Junkrat, Reaper, Roadhog, other Pharahs, and even other characters without hitscan were super rough against her without a lot of practice,

I like to get play of the game when I deserve it! There’s not much better than doing something awesome and having a whole group of people see it! It’s especially nice when you get in games with kind people who will encourage you on both teams! It really helps drive home that this is a video game, which should be fun,

Whenever you see somebody like that, ask them if they know about the power save mode and how it works. Nine times out of ten, they never heard of it, and it could keep them from starring at their phones the whole time they’re out. Worked for my brother and I!

Oh, I totally understand. MMO’s aren’t everybody’s cup of tea. I was just referring to the first comment on if you want to listen to a podcast while playing a game, it’s not worth the time.