
Those chicks at 1:06 looked pretty good...

The Hoff was not be Hassled!

My friend has these in his condo, he just sticks them to his fridge. His only complaint is that the pots do not drain water, so it is hard to water them properly.

What facial hair?

Well for one thing, I would prefer the option for any given pose to appear with a wide variety of races, genders, ages, religions, sexualities, and shoes. All too often the shoes just aren't right for what I am looking for.

They must be punished for their transgressions!

Most of the ADI ones I have worked with use square waves (usually out of phase) to drive the fixed plates.

Epic prank time... Hack his toilet so every time he flushes it updates his timeline with a "Mark Zuckerberg just took a dump" status.

I was just gonna post about how I love his quotes:

And I know him as the guy who hosted GUTS on nickelodeon.

Maybe if they are cooler, they will be less angry all the time...?

Thank you Nigel, I always enjoy learning new things (especially if they are not so new). I think you mistook the tone of my question, I was not being sarcastic. I was actually sorry for having to ask what it means. And I do not work in a lab, it is more of a cubicle :(

"Beckmann's language is deplorable so loaded with racial bias even if it's not explicitly stated that some people are surprised he wasn't fired."

Sorry, what does "cad" mean? I have not come across the word in my engineering profession (assuming it is not computer-aided design).

"mmmmmm shaaawwttaayyyyyyyyy"

haha that's awesome

Something was off about the picture. Took me awhile to realize there is one more guy than girl. I cannot quite figure out which one is the odd man out. I am guessing it is the one in the bowtie and vest.

They can do whatever they want. Bend over and take it, fool!

I have only ever flown on about 8 or 9 different airlines, but I have to say that Delta was the absolute worst.

Yeah I could have sworn I was seeing more than usual on 183 lately. Every time I go to The Domain people are swarming around in them on test drives.