
"Though it goes against that idea that newer is better, you might consider going with the upgraded second iPad if you want a tablet. As tested in the Gawker offices, a lot of people can't even tell the difference between the new iPad and its younger brother."

I don't know, but it is close to Cuba, which is where I assume they are from and likely have many ties to. Plus, what gohatters said above.

I hope they keep the tiny screen too, it makes the decision of which phone to get easier as the iPhone will not even be on my list with its tiny little screen.

They lived in Miami, but the heist occurred in Windsor.

yeah, exactly... these already exist anyway

I will admit, all the engineers I have ever met from Olin College are pretty friggin' smart.

I love this shirt.

I guess I am an idiot. I love living downtown though. I just wish it was slightly easier to take the light rail and be able to commute from one of the stops to my actual office. I guess where there's a will, there's a way, but I like driving my car, so meh.

He is going to have to swallow one hefty retainer fee to a lawyer now.

Please complain more, because this interests me.

I am surprised this has not been incorporated into a South Park episode. Maybe it has and I missed that one...

There seems to be some gaps in the story...

I used to weigh 320 two years ago. Then I discovered the tumor on my pituitary gland and got treatment. Now I weigh under 200 lbs (6' 3"). I agree it is a choice for many. However, I do not agree with your statement.

Don't convince the masses to start using it. That would defeat the purpose.

I would love a lamp like this, but actually be able to control the opening and closing of the "petals". That way, I could focus more light down, say on the table, and then diffuse it more across the room when I wanted.

Still creeps me the hell out.

Nope, it has nothing to do with your phone. This is a known issue on the Jaybirds and it is due to the bluetooth receiver on the earbuds themselves.

No shots of the engine/under the hood?

Well, we'll just let the justice system decide on that!

I wouldn't be surprised if this is all just a part of the most genius viral marketing campaign of all time... you know, for Prometheus.