
Seriously, that is the nastiest hand I have ever seen.

I think he was, indeed, trying to give one example of why it is more ideal to not be connected to the grid. Besides being subject to the grid at times when the solar panels are not producing energy, there is a huge safety concern for utility workers if your panels are back-feeding the line and they do not know about

I can see twenty years from now taking a vacation to the Korangal Valley... then accidentally stepping on an old land mine.

I can see twenty years from now taking a vacation to the Korangal Valley... then accidentally stepping on an old land mine.

Can someone please elaborate on the first sentence?

I love how Sprint is actually advertising the "bloatware-free" feature as a major selling point when they are precisely the ones guilty of adding all the crap to the phones in the first place.

I suppose that is why I am not qualified to be a judge. The guy did come off as a total ass though when talking about it...

My Physics 218 (Mechanics) prof claimed that he did this sort of thing once, like nine years ago. I didn't believe him because if I was a judge, I would never allow someone so smug to pull off such a stunt.

Until they get a warrant to see all of your driving habits and punish you for the other 10% of the time when you are not driving so conservatively.

I call the driver. She can hoon in that bikini anytime.

I am not sure which one stereotypes the Asians worse, the actual Ferrari livery or the way the headline is worded...

I think your NES example would be more like upgrading from a Nokia candybar phone to an iPhone and not caring that you can no longer play the snake game. However, you may be right just as Butters619 explained that he really does not use the phone and tablets for the same thing, so that is a valid argument. I suppose

I thought I read that they were having a bit of issues with WiFi and/or wireless connectivity in some aspect. I have not looked into it enough to know for sure. If I did get an Android tablet, this would definitely be the one. However, i did hold one that a coworker owns and it just did not feel as good to me as my

Well, I think they did a good job of casting the movie according to the (somewhat limited) descriptions of characters in the book (as far as the main ones being of certain color or what-not). Luckily I do not know very much about archery so I did not pay close enough attention to catch the problems with shooting solid

Does it ever bother you to have apps and such in two different ecosystems? I have an Android phone, and really like it, but I have not found a tablet that I can see buying other than the ipad. The fact that they do not share the apps is what has kept me from buying one...

Yes, but then it would be a phone and you would be a moron for buying it. According to Gizmodo.

Yeah, I read the text on the screen and agree that is what it said, but my question is more about why was it there. It seems so random that the text would just appear for a split second. What purpose did that serve? They were not transcribing the entire radio conversation or anything. I was just confused by it I guess.

No, the outrage was at the racist comments from these dolts on twitter that having black actors in those roles "ruined the movie."

Americans could probably all own BMWs and Audis if we lived in tiny little concrete apartments on top of each other, too!