
1.9% for 3 years on my '11 5.0 (through my credit union), and I was only 25 when I bought it. I was pretty happy with that.

Yeah, realized that after I posted. Sorry >.<

Perhaps you can find something

Yeah and then maybe you can incite a massive festival with people getting shot out of cannons and all sorts of awesome things!

I am curious how comfortable the hammock sleeping bag really is. I sense that it may hurt my back to lay like that all night. The truth is that I actually prefer to sleep on my stomach, so I am afraid I would be miserable not being able to turn over in this thing.

But what are the rules about doing Show and Display? Surely there is a limitation on how much it can be driven and such.

I wonder how the driver knew exactly when to initiate the turn at the end.

Some fool had "KONY2012" written on the back of their car this weekend. I am proud that I have avoided having any clue as to what the video is about, even though half my FB feed last week were links to it.

Crazy British.... too good for hyphens. Thanks for clarifying.

Who are Thwaite, Norfolk, and England, and why were they wandering through fields with this couple??

This painting, along with the Cloud City one and another were on my walls all throughout childhood. I am sorry to hear of his passing.

Commas are used as decimal points in many countries. After someone in Germany contacted me about their troubles with some computer programs I had written, I learned all about it.

Subconsciously, the photo would be more likely to get my attention than a random person. Then again, a hot chick would have likely served that purpose much better...

Similar opinions found here.

It does warn about not letting it deplete too much, but it never says exactly what will happen, at least to the extent that we are learning now. Companies give frivolous warnings about their products all the time, usually for legal reasons (ie- covering their own ass). It is sometimes hard to tell when such a warning

All I can think about is how fast I would have been out of the car and throwing that fool off the back of his bike onto the side of the road as he was trying to squeeze around the car in front.

Rosenmontag. For my lazy, yet interested friends.

Something about that last sentence... Euro-folk... really being beat.... off this much... But on a related note, I did not even know today was a "holiday". At least I still get off on Memorial Day. So to speak.

Reality hits you hard, bro.