Dazzle Me

The reason for having the conversation is for making sure your partner is informed about the risk they are taking with their bodies. If there is no longer any risk to them, I don’t see why you would have to tell them? I certainly wouldn’t expect anyone to tell me about past STI’s that could not be passed on to me.

You realize only people up to a certain age can get the vaccine right?

That is horrible! I’m so sorry you had to experience that.

They changed the backstory of Trill in DS9. In the Next Generation, it was stated that all Trills are joined...

Yeah but even in prisons they don’t reach up inside you. They have women bend over and cough. Only if they can see something in there do they then take it further.

Note that you can also use Amazon Smile to donate to your local PP :).

Do you rewash and reuse them? I feel confused about this.

It’s a money thing. You need less heroin if you inject it.

Some people derive more pleasure from the drug and experience cravings when they stop. It’s kinda like how most people who take benadryl are tired, but some are wired. Everyone’s brain chemistry is different.

I head the same thing when I was younger, unfortunately. They told me it was way too dangerous for a woman who has never been pregnant. It’s bullshit. Now, I have a gyno who would do it, but I’m too afraid....haha

So she does... But, not to mention, there are much higher stakes when accusing someone of rape as opposed to accusing someone of being an asshole. Guess which one is thrown around more freely?

Oh I know that’s what the author was trying to get across. It’s just really offensive...

It’s definitely a crime to sell something as a drug.

Federal prison has people with a wide range of charges so I’m not sure why that is surprising.

You can also have such scars due to chickenpox, acne, skin conditions, etc. And plenty of people in poverty have bad teeth because dental care is expensive.

What, aren’t you enjoying people talk about how hearing the numbers wouldn’t have helped them because there’s a lot of expenses when you make 500k a year; they weren’t spoiled; they/their parents drove crappy car; they weren’t rich because they didn’t get fun vacations; and they had to make their own way without their

Time zones....

I’d rather have waiters wait until my table is finished eating to clear the plate for my entree, but just because it makes me feel self-conscious about finishing before everyone else. And when they ask, I say sure, and give them the same tip I would have given them anyway. In the grand scheme of things, there are far

I am so sick of that question! Men and women ask me that and still insist I’m lying.

Oh I have a few off the top of my head!
“Wow, like, I can’t tell if your eyes are creepy or pretty! They’re kinda like a cross between a vampire’s eyes and a husky.” To add to it, huskies have blue eyes, my eyes are light green...