Dazzle Me

Yes, save that morning pee for work so you can get paid for it!

I actually had no idea that anyone had a natural stopping point for hair. My hair has been hip length before but I assumed if I never cut it it would have continued to grow....interesting.

Did they come up when you searched the woman's name?

I can't eat a whole restaurant meal anyway, so I say Yay! Less waste!

Are you kidding me? Society already values white lives...

There are a lot of privileges for being conventionally attractive, I don't think a greater quantity of catcalling/harassment by more attractive guys is one of them :(.

We also had far more intestinal parasites then...

MmM, patchouli and sweat. For a long time, I thought patchouli and sweat was how patchouli smelled, because I had never encountered it not mixed with BO...

Yes, I found a mouse in mine a few times! I always look before I squat...

It may be a perfectly normal function, but those of us who share toilets with others, would like to all step into a non-smelly bathroom! Though, you can accomplish this without a special toilet bowl. Flush, then close the lid and flush again. Spray disinfectant. Voila.

My friend's husband cheated on her with an 18 year old while she was bringing their newborn to his heart surgeries. They exist.

She has a very nice toned looking body. But I'm also very toned and slim-I haven't taken exercise seriously since I played sports in high school. Some people just look like that with minimal effort. Also, the less body fat you have, the more muscular you look, regardless of strength.

You can absolutely look like she does without exercise and a healthy lifestyle though.

Some people have less regular ovulation. Also, for all we know, people that use it "correctly" and never have children wouldn't have been able to had they tried. 1 to 25 per 100 couples who use it will get pregnant during each year of using this as the method. Frankly, if I was okay with just lowering the chances

No more than a man enjoys a prostate exam. My god.

Wow, that is a disturbing history.

Calvin Klein never called her plus size though-she was just a regular model. It was Elle that made that up.

Red dye, or natural red like in the tomatoes in salsa?

Hahaha, not recommended but as a child I didn't know that the fruit punch at my grandma's birthday part was alcoholic. Didn't taste it either. I can assure you, there was more alcohol in that glass than the chocolates and no one needed to call poison control!

Even if she was a recovering alcoholic, that's extreme. You won't taste the alcohol (for example, I wouldn't recommend rum cake to an alcoholic, but yeah your friend was being dumb.)