He looks like a Solid Snake / Western cross
He looks like a Solid Snake / Western cross
That was just... amazing, this must have taken some really long hours to create.
The "Gears of Wars" song from his latest album rocks, i just don't get why the hell it isn't in any of the 2 games.
Why can't we have them both?
Eternal Darkness for the sound.
Gears of War 2 and Horde mode on insane!
Bill Murray is just so much fun to watch.
" bkchurch
I'm still hooked to the orginal gears, I've been playing it 4 days a week since launch.
The one in the left has gloves..hmm suspicious
I bought the album on release date, and have been enjoying it quite a lot, (Hate Reload and St.Anger, this is even better than Load), however I don't get the noise issues, maybe you can hear them on a special sound system, because in my car and at home it sounds great, also I don't hear no difference between the cd…
Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, a little bit of singing.
How come we have only seen the friends list with less than 10 avatars. I have more than 60 friends online, how will this be handled?
So finally they are talking real buisness.
This game looks awesome, and the music sounds great.
After having such a good show, I would have done the same.
Is this the one with the hard drive ? Because I don't see nowhere in the add a 20 GB note.
It really is all about the software, Gears of War 2, Fable, Halo Wars, and many more great games are coming out this year.