Joe Kerr

I don't know if I agree with you… The trailer for TFA got away with a lot as it was the introduction of this new world - showing glimpses of it was enough.
This trailer has to justify it's existence - and it does. Watch it again, how it's edited together, how it deals with introducing the main theme/idea of the film

It's also possible he… improved as an actor??

I'm calling it: best rom-com of 2017, Selma Hayek and Jon Lithgow - how have I never thought of them together before! Their chemistry is off the charts.

I mean - why is everyone giving him shit if that's what retailers are telling them?

I kind of love how the last episode of Legion, airing the same night mind you, basically ended in the exact same way as this episode - tropes gonna trope!

If you dropped SHIELD and kept Flash - you dropped the wrong show my friend.

Don't forget Fargo too!

Like you still get the privilege angle (especially if he even semi white-passing, and definitly cos he rich and his dad's white), but you don't feel as uncomfortable with him being the best at martial arts.

to both 1) and 2) This is why a mixed race danny rand would have been AMAZING and made much more sense as a character - that the character is more tied to both of the cultures makes that outsider status even more apparent. Plus, you get a mixed-race lead, something you don't see a lot of and side-step both sides of

I mean, you work on something for 10 months of your life and that you'll be working on for another while, and try to keep the motivation to keep doing it… It's not unreasonable to be a little defensive.

From the time I've spent with it it's very very good… If you happen to be unemployed or have exactly 0 social life.
Otherwise it takes too much damn time. So much damn time.
Every time I've tried to get back into it I'm slapped with difficulty and relearning the needlessly complicated inventory systems.

I have a feeling that the end of the episode was making a statement that this is all real - the thing's that happen in David's mind being just as real as anything, given that he's a reality warper.
Which is why this episode worked! You're asking the entire way through "what's real here what's happening" only to be

I was… trying to make a joke…
*many tears*
(Also when Marvel first started that's why people used to think it was so successful… A lot of critics have called Batman a Marvel character that just so happens to be DC. I'm not talking modern culture, but the larger cultural understanding of these properties, right back to

And they say that Marvel are the grounded, real ones…

I would argue that this is one that benefits, I feel like if rushed it would end up being a lot… dumber than it is? But in general, it's interesting to see how comics have changed, there's less one and dones wit hlarger narratives in the background, and I kind of miss them standing by themselves.

Do you not think that allowing the characters and stories more time to tell their story, giving more space for character and thematic beats, is beneficial to the book?
(btw that's not antagonistic this is actually something worth discussing)

In fairness… are you listening to any criticism of your ideas?

Suddenly, the conversation changes from "Oh what an asshole that guy is" to "That's horrible noone should be stuck in their own home! Those liberals are violent and out of hand, someone needs to stop them before they come for me!"
It extremitises people. Silencing people never works, in either democracies, colonial

Have you looked at his feed? He's a social justice warrior if any I've seen one haha

Except - Superior Spider-Man was a redemption story. Superior Iron Man was an examination of rich assholes who are clearly rich assholes.
This story is something ENTIRELY different, about so many more prescient things. About hidden evil, the corruption of goodness, how good people go wrong, and about (presumably going