Joe Kerr

See, I'm going to totally disagree with you.
Cap is the Bad Guy, he's understandable yes, but he is the Bad guy of the story.
It seems to me is that this story is examining how corrupt idelogies can corrupt even the purest and most brave amongst us if they're brainwashy enough (eg Cap is still a good person with evil

Civil War 2 is… sucky, but HydraCap isn't, and this issue is more HydraCap than civil war 2, so it kind of is…
It is depressing, but also kind of exhilerating. The entire direction they're taking with that run is fantastic, I mean, the entire Marvel Universe against Captain Hydra, who only gained control because they

Definitly IS a Gryffindor more like it, runs entirely on emotion and what "feels" right at any moment? Throws solid plans out the window because they feel kind of wrong? Thinks they're not self-centred (but they totally 100% are), but self-centred in a way where they just don't understand that other people are people

I agree with you that it's implausible for there to be two, but she WAS an international assassain for a bit, planning death and it's aftermath is kind of what they do.

That episode worked as an emotional exploration of Sherlock's relationship to John and to humanity with a near perfect structure set around that wedding episodes can be fun and light and still meaningful you sit down sir you SIT DOWN…
*heavy breaths*

Downvoted for "I could do better" comment, whenever someone says that, they usually couldn't.
Like, I'm not doubting your skills.
But Moffat and Gatiss keep getting hired for a reason.
And us armchair writers could probably not do their jobs right now.

I didn't see that as viscous and more a complete lack of understanding about humanity (she views people, including herself, as machines… cutting her muscle, "which one is that" etc)… as she grew older she began to see that other people thought differently, saw Moriarty and thought, oh well he seems to be similar to me

I liked how they didn't overexplain it, I felt like the scenes back in Sherringford were able to explain it succintly through Sherlock's understanding and her catatonic state, but to each their own.
The ending was overrushed. Sherlock likes to drag out scenes that would only take a minute or two on other shows, to it's

I mean, your ability to suspend disbelief is your ability, but if that's what you took problem with, I'm unsure if you're aware of the show that you're watching…

See, what kind of boring ass story would that be though?

I do think that the Moriarty stuff maybe could have been worked into it a little better pratically and plot wise, but I thought it worked like gangbusters on a structural and thematic level.
The contrast between him, Sherlock and Euros was brilliant, pitting him as the other ideaological extreme, the devil on Euros's

I've really got to disagree with you on so many levels.
This was an emotionally coherent and tense 90 minutes of television that really explores the character arc of Sherlock and is ultimately about Eurus trying to understand Sherlock.
I do not understand the criticisisms of Eurus being incoherent when the character

That's… actually a good title for a Batman story.
Or just Arkham by Sea.

The Lazarus that we ended up getting, while a lot simpler in plot than this, was weird and confusing enough to make up for that, and one of the most beautiful and ethereal experiences I've had in a theatre. it's murky plot still managed to hook my emotions and take them through a washing machine. Honestly, the plot of

…No one is talking about Irene Adler possibly coming back next week. Her texts are back lads! Wahey!

So even Bowie will come back a Nazi?!?!? 2016, what world have you left us with…

If anyone can do it, it's Taika Waititi
(And Guardians and Strange had a fair amount of unique vision to it now, and the Cap series too…)

Did anyone see Embrace of the Serpent??
…It's a lot better than this looks

Entirely agreed, I was really worried for the first 20 minutes

it felt like a bridge between the prequels and originals, in that it was Anakin using his wisecracks for teh evulz