Joe Kerr

Call me misguided, or an idealist; an idiot or a shill, I refuse to be ignorant. I refuse to imagine those I disagree with "the other". I refuse to let fear dicate my thoughts on people who I disagree with. There is no other. There is nobody who wishes you harm that you do not wish harm upon.
I refuse to lose my

And you expect them to listen to you for the same? How can you not see your bias, your hypocrisy?

All you are doing is justifying ignorance.
Because read what you have just written. Now imagine you are talking about Islamic people.
That is exactly what those you claim to be afraid of would say about them, and by extension, you.

I'm not shilling for trump man. Can you not see that there is a middle-ground? That just because we disagree, I must be the enemy?
If so, you are just as much a victim of the political fear machine as a Trump voter.

They're not lazy! They're mistrustful.
How do you expect them to listen if you call them lazy? how can an insulted man ever listen to the man who insults him.
We criticise parents for calling their children names and still expect them to obey them.

Tell me this: does fascism still exist? Are neo-nazis still out there neo-nazing? Did the people of the USSR benefit from the War? Did the military-industrial complex the war created in the US lead the US to an
Most if not all violent conflicts in History were not nessecary and just led to more violence.
And most

You haven't aligned yourself with them! That doesn't mean they don't feel that.
Take your own advice and think like an adult. You and other moderates do not have a monopoly on disenfranchisement and fear.
The American public has been lied to so much they can't tell the difference between fact and opinion.
You can't

No they are not. Nobody is categorically wrong about everything. People feel what they feel. You wouldn't tell a trans man or woman that the fear they feel about Trump's presidency is invalid, and you shouldn't say that to those whose way of life is threatened. Constant conflict leads to more conflict, not change.

No, no it's not.
(and now I'm tearing up. great.)

Words hurt evil disquis twin of xanderpuss :,(

Oh god i wish he was paying me.
I mean i would still talk shit about that shit-for-brains over-compensator.
But at least I'd get something out of asking for patience.

"Why don't they offer me respect?" is the exact same question they would ask. To them, you have aligned yourself with terrorists and invaders. Neither of you are right. The average Trump supporter is not a neo-nazi racist burning crosses on lawns, but a white mid-lander who feels like their government isn't listening

And reducing Trump to a simple "bad guy" simplifies him. Which is unfair to his supporters. And marginilises them further.

But how do you oppose those that support that president reasonably?

It's a democratic process, as flawed as it is. Does anyone know how tey can actually change it?

By "allowing that asshole to be elected", do you mean allowing him to run, or allowing his voters to vote for him?

And what happens to those people that are already hurt and disenfranchised, that feel ignored by the system in place? You radicalise them further. Nobody ever changed someone's mind by calling them an idiot.
The "Basket of deplorables" comment lost Hillary the election. Refusing to offer respect to people you disagree

One problem. His government is THE government. The gigantic beaurocratic mess. If it stops, everything stops, local government, arts funding, defence chain of command, everything. You do not want that.
You don't have to be a chump. There are plenty of ways to protest his decisions, to petition and lobby his actions.

Ask yourself this question: What's the alternative?

There must always be a conversation on ethics. it's hypocritical to suggest otherwise.