Joe Kerr

Isn't freedom to exit an ethical issue?

Yep, basically. Turn the other cheek and all that. Disrespect for the office of the presidency only divides the country further, and destablises the government.

I'm sorry, but no. By challenging Trump's presidency you can do nothing but divide the country even further. Trump thrives because of this divide. ignorance is allowed and accepted because of this divide. There is an echo chamber in which we live where Trump is made to be the literal devil, and there is an echo

But… doesn't that just increase the political and cultural divide and disenfranchisement that led to Trump anyway?

Lads, it may suck, but you have to respect the presidency. We laugh at people who have been saying the same of Obama for the past 8 years, with everything from "thanks Obama" to the Birther movement, but statements like this undermine genuine democratic proccesses.

This feels like the beginning of a third act in a biopic

So have we all decided to hate this movie then?
Seems ironic to cynically hate a movie and refuse to take it seriously because you believe it was made for a cynical purpose…
(It's fucking great guys. Give it a chance.)

TBH I disagree with you, the film made me feel the way a Pixar movie does in that it draws you into it's world… but it's also about the existential horror of a world that categorises you to make it easier to make money off you while religion and other societal norms exist to keep you distracted from the meaningless

Dixar lol

You should watch it. Really. It's both not what it seems, and EXACTLY what it seems. Not only that, but it delivers a critique on religion that encompasses the many stereotypes used within the film. It's also really, legitmitally funny. As a pretensious film student who saw it with other (less pretensious) film

I got to see it on opening in a packed theatre, and we were laughing our asses off… It may end up being the most divisive movie of the year, but i fucking loved it.

Did… you just use the "I'm a grown man" comment seriously? …Seriously?

That's just adorable though, can't be mad at that.

And crying?

And laughing?

Why can't I stop listening????

Exactly! By judging anyone we open ourselves up to be judged. Which is funny coming from as incisive a critic as Charlie Brooker. What a headfuck of an episode, and what a beautiful show.

You are right, but I think that may have been the point of the ambiguois ending, letting the show end on a moment where you can choose your thoughts on what happen next depending on the way you view the world.
However, I will say this: why delete the message Blue sends the main detective if they aren't about to do

I think you're being a bit unkind to the episode as a whole, and a bit too kind to the characters, especially at the end.
By taking justice into their own hands and killing the man that started it all, Blue and Karin condemn themselves as bad as everyone else, killing someone out of a sense of moral superiority. The