Joe Kerr


I read a fascinating article about this in the weekend review of the Irish times the other week, and it has basically said what I have been saying for the past few years - ignoring a problem does not make it go away. While Paedophilia and Haemophilia themselves surprisingly aren't actually the cause of most child

This is actually probably the best review of this episode I've seen so far, because you actual acknowledge that we are supposed to retain sympathy for Kenny even after the shit. So many people talk about this episode, and the show itself, like it's showing that there is nothing good in humanity. Instead, what I think

Don't you mean… gravey? (i'll see myself out now)

.Next Morning actually, I just watched it

Lovin dat vibe
It's a trope that does go beyond lone wolf and cub though, a very old, very good, trope. Always brings dem feels.

(Time Travelled to prevent the future from happening… would not be surprised if it was the end of this film)

Time travels back to prevent the future from taking place, and leaving Wolverine alone in it because he deserves a "peaceful life" in what is perhaps his ACTUAL final appearence?

Getting serious western vibes and I am LOVING IT. Grizzled cowboy protects a young daughter surrogate figure? Fucking down. Also, it seems like P-stew is taking the Hawkeye role from the comic, which works a lot better actually.

Plus, that would be a big moment for the rise of 3rd-party candidates for senate, as they're the parties with politicians still kicking (because none of them have ever actually been elected)

I'm international, so if he did that dude is an EXCELLENT smuggler.
He seemed to not care about his life anymore, so maybe he did.

I saw this trailer earlier in the month when Greg Sistero came to my college, glad to see that this is a real thing that I didn't just dream.

This is basically the main plot dilemma of About Time, a surprisingly great film.

With this rate of creating love connections, The Defenders is going to be at least 50% relationship soap opera…
This, surprisingly, does not bother me.

oh god…. there is.


To you, that may be burning through the plot too quickly, but to me, it shows a willingness to put characters, and what actions make sense for the characters, first.
However, there have still been a lot of questionable plot decisions.
A lot.

You should probably watch the extended edition if you do watch it though, it makes a lot more sense and is better imo

See it's objectively bad as a film, but filled with a lot of good things/moments that people call "fun!", so mileage varies from people looking for a good time, or a good film.
I hated it because it was a bad film filled with good things, because i was so fucking frustrated. But I'm glad other's enjoyed it… even if it

Would it really be Sherlock without all that?