Joe Kerr

Marvel youtube straight up dont give no fucks

So basically, we hate everything the DCCU is doing now, even if it's fixing what we all supposedly have problems with?
I don't like this kind of eyes-closed judgement folks.

Implying that anything in a film isn't emotionally manipulative…
Of course death is manipulative! That's why we go to see films!

I mean, if we're looking at season-long ratings and ratings drop offs, that's pretty normal man. In fact, it's pretty good, it's held on to it's audience really well, and you'll see a big bump for the finale for sure. I imagine a growth will happen over seasons once it starts hitting streaming platforms, kinda like BB

The dream sequences were awful, and mostly shoehorned in for another Batman fight sequence and for bad Justice League set-up, we can all agree on that.

hey man, it's comic books. waht can you do.

Actually… yeah. He does smile. heh.

Well… A generous reading may be that the film itself was about the lifting of the darkness that has shrouded the DC universe (both onscreen and in-comics) through self-sacrifice and perseverence, as Superman sacrifices himself and inspires both the populace and Batman himself to become better and to lift themselves

Wouldn't call it joyless or dour, but it justifies it's darker tone a lot better, and the ending certainly signifies that, as they are inspired to put their childish sulking behind them. Plus, the pacing is a lot better, the film flows a lot better.
The theatrical cut was certainly a dour chore though…

To be honest, while I thought the last act was overblown, my problems were all in the first two-thirds… but sure, to each their own.

It also justifies (ha) the darker tone, so there's that

About 30 minutes extra after, which is a lot more than you'd think. Most of my complaints about Superman in the film were addressed, and I'm a massive Superman fan. He was active in the plot a lot more, there was a lot more discussion about what he should be that he actually listened to. Him showing up at the

Oh he was still a super-smart sociopath, they just upped the insecurity ;p

Just three ;p
(and it was actually really worth it, like turned from a movie that I despised because of Batman and Superman's characterisations, to a film I really liked and went "Ok, I see what they're doing with Batman and Superman's characterisations")

Oh for sure, It really pisses me off. Like there is actually a cerebral meditation on the role of Superman in our real-life society in this film that is complelty buried in the theatrical cut.
Now, the extended cut itself doesn't have a perfect meditation on it, but it's good that it actually have it.

Basically allows the films themes and plots to breathe a little, while actually being subtle about it… Subtle enough to be completly missed in the theatrical cut. It basically provides the meaning and context to all the action of the film, and allows Superman to be actually active in the plot.
It's a film that shows

I… I liked it.
(Don't hate me)

He'll have to become a man as hard as steel to sit through the rest of the news.

Have you seen the extended cut of BvS? Really changed my mind about the quality of the film, and of Snyder as a director.
Of course, a film shouldn't have to fix itself by releasing a second cut, but the film really felt cut to shreds. It's a fascinating take, and I think that Snyder actually has a much better sense