Joe Kerr

In fairness… The extended cut of BvS was actually a really interesting, good film… Snyder has interesting takes on the characters. Not ones I agree with, but I wouldn't take this as bad news because of it. BvS is a good movie ruined by shitey editing.

As much as this show has a glorious insanity that keeps up the quality and the intrigue, Zack's right: this show has a pacing problem. And a problem with laying out why things are important to a new audience. This episode is taking steps towards fixing that, ad showing a greater focus towards fixing those problems.

This is what I have been saying for the past month!! I so look forward to Sam finding out…

"I have a fortress!"
"We have a Giant."

CIVIL discourse, amiright????

When you're talking Superheoes though, that difference in tone is a difference in quality. A film that tries to be as ultra-serious as this one does, while it's lead characters are a flying farmboy, a rich dude that dresses like a bat and a crazy version of Zuckerburg who makes a corpse monster, is inherently barking

Dwarfs come from Arby's, so men must become Cylopses?

Or more that was just Lex's silly belief.

Oh yeah, it's made clear that he wants to save everybody, but the character, especially in BVS, is just too damn angry, moody and angsty for the audience to truly invest in him being truly good…
Like, the basic ideas of the story are good, great even. Batman being blinded by the destruction after being blinded by the

This trailer actually gets at the core conflicts and motivations the film is trying to talk about better than the film did… The idea that both Batman and Luthor distrust Superman because they distinctly believe that a man with Superman's powers can not be good, and that Superman exists as he does because he breaks the

I hate to burst your bubble, but that's how ASM 2 started with The Rhino, it was a bad version of the trope, but still the trope. And that was basically HYDRA's function on Avengers 2, and that random war and stone alien in Thor 2… Happens more than you'd think.

Anyone think that it might be just the tinciest bit icky in main continuity? Everywhere else, fine, good in fact, but in comics…
He was his boy sidekick like, far too much implication of grooming for me.

I doubt that it's gonna be that in the end (probably just the cosmic cube making Cap hink he's been a HYDRA plant since the 1930's, and it'll be reversed in the finale.
What could be the most interesting thing here though, is if they discuss him being pure of heart in his belief and dedication to HYDRA now, like they

Like I totally get you being annoyed at it, but I see this as being more a part of Sam's story than Steve's (even if it's not being marketed as that). So they are turning him into to something Cap was designed to fight against… because the real Cap is Sam, and he's been designed to fight against this new villain.

Thank you for not being overly snarky *curtsies*
There was a line about halfway down the article that mentioned it being possibly sexist, and also I'm more just pissed off at people being pissed off.. which is leading to being pissed off more? I don't understand things anymore. Am I becoming an angry internet

I think it's pretty great… it let's falcon-Cap go out with a bang and not feel underserved by giving him the original Cap as a villain, which is pretty brilliant.

You do know that Falcon is still Cap and this is most turning into a battle of Cap v Cap and what Cap means right?
Marvel books now have been doing experimental stuff, weird stuff like this, for a while… I think it's pretty cool. Better than a never changing status quo. I don't think he's shitting on Kirby and Simon's

You know, you can be wrong without being sexist guys. it does say something bout fan entitlement, but i don't think his problem with the film is the female cast. I mean, he's wrong, the studio can do whatever they want and I think that it's a great concept for a reboot, but yer man isn't being sexist…

"But X-Men is a decent start to what will no doubt be an immensely profitable series of negligible but enjoyable summer movies"… little did they know…

Considering that this is a Bryan Singer film… would not be surprised.