Joe Kerr

(or the first film's climax have them time travelling to the present day during some weird science final fight with doctor doom and the other villain)

Introduce him as the scarred royalty side-bit player who hates Reed but is around the states for some reason, and involve him in the story as you fight, I don't know Mole Man or some side villain, have him vaguely involved in the third act and set him up for future villainy by having the FF in his debt. Could be

The film is far from the grimdark superheroics that people point to it as. Sure it's not campy old fun like the other marvel flicks, but there is no overly grim sequences. The characters have humour (if ill-defined character) and don't actively grimdark themselves, the film just didn't allow any fun sequences. I mean,

To me it feels like about 4 (har) different films, an adventure film about a team of young scientists for the first 50 minutes, then briefly becomes, in turn, a body horror, a bland action and then finally, for the last 4 minutes, a super-flick.
If it had focused it energies on being any of those 4 it could have been

Ratings systems - where everything's confusing, and the grades don't really matter

Well mutants have always been about "should we integrate, or say fuck the humans and seperate" because they come from humanity and human culture, whereas the inhumans' conflict have been more about "how do we continue to stay separate in our entirely separate culture, morally and peacfully, or by force".

The thing is though, Black Bolt is a mute, and Medusa has hair that moves on it's own. The Inhumans should be different from humans, and difficult to integrate into society, even more so than mutants - I thought their fiercely outsider community is what diffrenciated them so much from the X-men, which is why the

An A for this show, maybe. But in comparison to other TV, B+ seems about right. I think a standout Agents is usually only going to hit a B+, just by the nature of it's style and presentation. The only eps of this show that could hit A-/A quality are wild stylistic breaks, like Simmons over on the alien planet. Not

I read another article on this, here http://variety.com/2016/fil… , and either deadline or variety got some very small, but very significant, things different. Like instead of "come off" as a miserable failure, he said "and feel like", which changes the entire thing entirely. Knowing Whedon, I think he would have said

6 episode seasons. Well worth a try.

Subtext my dear boy, character continuity and subtext. Especially when considering that the show is within the netflix model, the same model that allows house of cards characters to disappear for an entire season and reappear without a reminder to who they are.

On the point about Karen forgiving Frank too easily, I disagree with you completely. I thought that that plot was one of the most interesting in the entire series, what with the subtextual hint that in trying to forgive Frank she excuses, forgives and is redeemed for killing Wesley last season, and for doing whatever



And the Dogs of Hell popped up on SHIELD too

You keep Brendan away from those filthy Brits, you hear? A national treasure he is, an Irish national treasure.

So I take it that near the end of the season, Elektra and Daredevil will have to go to the Punisher for help fighting ninjas, before he betrays them and daredevil has to chase him down alone?
I'm not being a cynic, this is gonna be fun…

Have some… animated adventures.

God help us all

hey, the ground wants to get turnt sometimes too y'know