Joe Kerr

*pours a hot pumpkin spice latte on YOUR MOM SUCK IT*
(i'm sorry i'm still upset over this)

this could have made such an interesting, beautiful and unique film and I am never going to get over this.
*pours whiskey on the ground in honour*

To be honest, I want to see more stories with the Endless that are Gaiman approved, and I'd love to see how they portray them on film.

Yeah, doesn't make his regulation origin less boring though.

I don't think you get Westerns…

no, we haven't the foggiest…

I make a specific point not to do any of these things…
So I changed my profile picture to me holding a toy lightsaber instead.

Mads as Wednesday, maybe?

I mean that dynamic is great for sure, but he's a rich guy so it works anyway, but also the character needs to work outside of his context with Luke

Mixed race asian-causasian works better I feel

The subtle foreshadowing this season was intense… remember the first Me episode? "I'll fight you for her", the prophecies, dialogue… worked really well!

Can you imagine how good a film that would be though… a relationship drama about batman and superman, or even just a rom-com, with all of the beats…
The meet-cute, Superman flies down to stop a crime, only to stumble into Batman beating up the Joker or something. "Oh, i didn't realise this crime was taken…" "There is

This trailer has actually made me… look forward to this film? Lex looks like, dare I say it, a delight! I really like that take on the character. The film looks like it will actually be fun, which means the third act will probably be shite, but who cares if the rest is good. Bets that Wonder Woman is actually

C'mon man, both Ant-Man and Iron Man 3 are really interesting films, even if you didn't like them at least make them Tier 2 for doing something different (both are Tier 1 for me personally)

I laughed at this way harder than I should have…

I'm sorry - what? Rewatch the first few episodes - I didn't talk about anything that wasn't there. What are you implying about me personally?
And yes he did control her sexually - He controlled her sexuality. He made her want him, thereby controlling her sexuality. Telling her to get naked etc counts as that too.

No you'd have to actually show what they did in the book in order to explain it… What happened to Jessica is rape, even if he didn't touch her. Making her do the things she did and feel the way she did completly dehumanised her beyond even what would happen if he had touched her, it was not the ignoring of her not

Dude, in the book he rapes her too just in a different way, he takes control of he desire and sexual aspects of her brain and makes her want him, and watch him sleep with others… that's rape. The show went a different way with it because it didn't want to show the rape (sensationalising it) and wanted to make


So, is IGH gonna be the Defenders villains that link all the shows (I like the idea of the new yorkers fighting off some evil corporation from taking them to use as weapons/destroying "their town") or just the baddie corporation for JJ season 2, which becomes a conspiracy thriller? What do we think?